Bicycle Spokey Dokes

Rad little spokey dokes that add colour and flair to your drab bike. delightfully musical at low speeds too!
tinkercad account
slicer program
3d printer and filament
a rad bike of radness to put them on

Start by making a nice simple sphere, i've gone for a 12mm sphere since thats close to spokey doke original size

Now create a 2.2mm diameter cylinder (hole) and drag it to the middle of the sphere
(i've used 2.2mm because my spokes are 2mm wide. you may need to measure your spokes to get this right)

select both, and group them. this will create the hole for your spoke

create a 1.5mm wide box, and set it to a hole.
put this box dead centre in the sphere
select both again, and group them. you've not got an opening to push the spoke through

make an 8mm x 12mm "roof" shape, and set it to a hole
flip it 90 degrees, then put it move it to the centre of the sphere
select them both, and group them, this will make it a lot easier to push the spokey doke onto the spoke
**you can export and print now if you're happy with a sphere!

add a funky shape!
there's piles of fun stuff you can do with these in tinkercad, have a play with them and see what you can find
move them and size them to suit, then group them again and make it whole

now you need to get these to your printer
Export your finished creation to an STL file
open in your favorite slicer program
slice with supports and a raft (raft is important because of the small contact area of the sphere)
print in funky colours (PETG would be best for this because it is weather resistant and slightly flexible, but PLA will work fine)
install on your bike and enjoy rad spokey dokey goodness ;)
*for a bit of fun, go back to step 1 but use a tinkercad shape like a skull or pumpkin as the base shape instead of a sphere