Big Top Climbers

by djones1979 in Craft > Cardboard

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Big Top Climbers

This is a fun and quick project for younger kids to create. The theme we chose was circus, but it can be remixed to any other theme. I used a laser cutter to cut out the cardboard pieces, but you can do the project by cutting out manually. I have included the svg files for the template in the supply list resources.




-string (1- 10", 2- 30" pieces). I used waxed cotton cord- 1mm in thickness, but any other can be used.

-coffee stir straw cut into 1/2 " pieces



Tie the 10" string to the middle two holes in the support bar with a knot.


tie one end of the 30" string to the left and then tie one side of the other string to the right side of the support bar. Make sure that the 30" lengths hangs down and the center 10" string points up.


Decorate your climber.


tape the 1/2" straws at a 45 degree angle pointed in toward the head on both hands. Be careful not to block the ends of the straw with tape. The string will need to slide through the straw in the next step.


feed the two ends of the 30" strings through the straws attached to the hands.


thread the string through the holes on the pulley handles and tie a knot to secure the string to the block. You can also use tape to secure the string to the block. Repeat this step on the right side.


Tape the top string to the wall or table and pull the two blocks away from the climber. The climber will begin the ascent to the top!