Bike Light

Instruction for the creation of a simple rear bike light that produces a warm red glow made out of common parts.
4 bright red LEDs
2 330ohm resistors
rigid copper wire
metal cap of champagne/prosecco/cava bottle
allen bolt and nut
metal wire
3D printer
3D Print

the light is made out of 3 printed parts:
the body (behuizing)
a ring that holds the 4 leds in place
the lid (deksel)

a copper wire mounted between the light and the fender picks up the electrical connection to the dynamo
an allen bolt fixes the body to the fender
the metal cap can be inserted after fixing the body
next comes the ring with the leds and the electical connections, soldered according to drawing
the lid is fixed by two metal wires twisted around the sid extensions of the body & lid
Drive Safe Thru the Night

the light produces a warm red glow. as the body is partially translucent it also lights up.