Bike Stand

First, sorry for my english, it is not my mother tongue and I struggle a bit with the DIY vocabulary ;)
Second, I know that my instructable does not have a huge added value but I just wanted to share it as is was my first DIY thing that I entirely complete by myself. I know that welds are not very good but it is the only second time I use an arc welder !
As I practice bicycle regularly and my parents too, it was necessary to have this kind of tools because we do all the maintenance by ourselves.
I watched few instructables before but I just wanted to build my own one ;)
The BoM is very short, I just had to bough 5 meters of 25*25*1,5mm of steel channel (approx 20euros). 2 pieces of wood, a small sheet of steel, approx 40cm of threated spindles and 3 bolts
I will not speak about security warnings, you are not stupid and know that you have to read the F**** manual before using tools and especially for this arc welder ;)
Weld the Base

I cut 3pieces, 2 of 50cm and one of 20 and weld the longest pieces with a 45° angle.
Then I weld the vertical axis (130cm is fine for me. An adjustable size would be perfect but I kept the whole thing very simple)
If you want, you can weld 2 others pieces at the opposite side to avoid that the bike stand fall (if you push it...).
As the distance between the vertical axis (step after) and the bike is quite important, I thought that the probability of falling was quite low
NB: I didn't take a picture of it but I used a magnetic triangle in order to have proper 45 and 90 angles ;)
The Supporting Piece

This part is compound of 2 pieces.
The lower one is just 2 pieces of treated channel and a piece of wood. It will support the bike.
Be careful to not take a too large piece of wood. You can see on my picture, mine is almost too large for my father's bike.
I really emphasis on the fact that you need to put something on the gross wood in order to protect your bike frame. You can go for foam of cork for example (my choice as I had some in stock).
The upper part is the trickiest one (but not very difficult ;) )
First you need to weld the bold on the sheet of steel. If you're a poor welder like me, I advise you to maintain the bold with the threated spindle, It will be easier to weld and you decrease the probability of damaging the threat of the bolt :)
Moreover, you should sand the bolt to make it easier to weld because mine was treated
Then you can assemble the second piece of wood with your steel sheet.
Finally, you drill the lower piece of treated channel in order to assemble the 2 parts.
I forgot to take pictures of this step but you can see the result on the last picture.
The two lower bolts are not tighten up, the plier is made by the upper piece
Weld the Upper Triangle

As i said, the size of the horizontal axis (which will hold the bike) is quite long: 35cm so I decided to had a third piece to strengthen the thing.
The same thing has been done for the lower triangle (sorry again, no picture of this, IT issue :( )
Your bike stand is now finished, for a maximum of 30euros (if you don't have to buy tools) and made of steel so a long life expectancy !