Biodegradable Smart Hanging Luminaire

Designing always blend with our roots, my main point of coming with a modern luminaire light was to create a light with a story behind. I created this biodegradable smart hanging luminaire which i was inspired by African traditions and culture, mostly from Venda and Zulu culture.
So this luminaire consist of multiple sensor to interact with people like the luminaire has a sensor which detect the movement of a person and also the luminaire can generate fresh air while people are enjoying the beauty of the light, this depend on the weather, meaning it has a temperature sensor which can communicate with weather or Google weather using API.
1.) Google weather - When it is hot outside the luminaire generate cold air or fresh air, so that people feel relaxed and when it is cold outside or inside the building it generate the warm air, all in all it can act as a fan.
2.) Motion detector- Having motion detect lights it is more usual at this stage of our life but my luminaire does not only light when a person reach it, it can also make bright light or dim light it depend on the voices and the mood of a person.

1.) Tree bucks
2.) Flour ( 4 cups )
3.) MDF sawdust
4.) Egg Carton
5.) Bio Glue
6.) Water
7.) Cotton rope
1.) Lathe machine
2.) Pot
3.) Stove
4.) Spoon
5.) Bucket to soak in the paper
Prepare Mock Up

You can prepare a mock up which is 1:1 scale in order to get a mold piece.
height - 250 mm
top length - 50 mm
bottom length - 250 mm
Cut the Carton Egg Paper Into a Bucket
You to cut the egg cartoon into a bucket.
1.) Mix it with hot water
2.) let it sock in for 24 hours or 2 days.
Mixing the Egg Carton With Other Materials

1.) Mix all the materials in one pot, to combine them well.
2.) After you have mixed, cook it for 10 to 15 mins.
Applying the Mixture on the Mold Piece

after your done cooking apply the mixture on the mold. you can apply it while it is still hot or cold.
Let It Dry

You have to put the mold piece outside or to the sun in order for the material to dry.
at least put it outside for a week to dry fully.
Final Prototype After Assebly

Final Prototype in Use