Blake the Rage Cube

by clocksworth in Craft > Art

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Blake the Rage Cube


a block named blake. I got this idea in a dream but if this has already been made, which i dont think it has, then im sorry as i said i was having this weird dream when i was sick that is was making monsters which is my favorite art style I have a corpsified skeleton that i made and a preserved rat because i like the weird things. blake is a great friend who you will love watching you while you sleep and help you get your anger out.

I do not value writing so if something is unclear then comment it and i will fix it


polymorphic plastic for teeth

4 toothpicks to hold the blocks together

2 ping pong balls for eyes

1 golf ball or a heavy ball the size of a ping pong ball to make eye sockets

red paint and black paint mixed to make dark red

big paint brush to make it less time consuming to paint

small paint brush for fine details

hot glue

knife to cut out mouth

white paint for eyes

watered down yellow for teeth

and 2 FloraCraft CraftFoM Block 1 Inch x 11.9 Inch x 17.9 Inch White for body

Cut Out Mouth


get ONE of the blocks not both of them stacked the one you want to be the face and get your knife cut all the way through the block in the shape of the mouth that you want after you have gone all way through and got the shape you want then you add the back keep the block from the hole if you want to add a nose but there is not a step for that just carve it into the shape of a nose and glue it on.

Adding Back


you want to flip add toothpicks on the 4 corners and one above the mouth do not make them go far in make it just before it pokes out then line up the second block and push down if it is not even then take it off and try again. Or hotglue

Adding Eyes

first i would paint the ping pong balls white you will need to add a few coats of white on it then when its done drying add pupils. Get your golf ball put it where you want one eye to be then get something heavy i used the back end of a screw driver then hold it in place and hit the golf ball as hard as you can until you can only see half of it. Repeat this step for the other eye. do not add them just yet

Making Teeth


Get the polymorph plastic and if it is your first time using it get a hand full put it in a cup fill the cup halfway with water, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes then take it out dump the water put cold water then grab it and mold it into teeth. i put red to show where it enters and ends. Then make sure to find something to put them upright i used a scrub daddy eyes and get yellow paint water it down and drisle it on the teeth to give a stained yellow effect .to put it in just push it in the Styrofoam to leave a mark pull it out but dont do that yet.

Painting and Scratching


take the eyes and teeth out then get half black and half red and paint one side let it dry then paint it again let it dry then paint it again give it 3-5 layers of paint and do it on all sides make sure to get the teeth and eye holes with just pure red so if they fall out it looks like blood. Then get a thing of balck squirt it into his mouth and paint it black inside. Then to get the scratches get the back of a small paintbrush and lightly push it in to where there is just barely a mark paint it red then if you dont like it paint over it and it wont be noticeable if you drop it or it gets damaged just paint it red and its fixed.

Adding Things


The last step is to get the eyes put them in the sockets and hot glue them in paint the hot glue red to make it look better. then put the teeth in where they go and hot glue them in.

Kick, Punch, and Drop

I have thrown him off a balcony, thrown him down the stairs, stabbed it with a knife, kicked it at a wall, and punched it in mid-air. the cool part if it you get a really bad damage like edges getting worn of breaking then you can just repaint, if it looses a eye just make a new one, if the teeth fall out just glue them in. Its the perfect rage doll.