Boar Tusk Necklace

I wanted to make some cool viking style jewelry, so I decided to make wild boar tusk necklace!
Things You Will Need

- Two wild boar tusks (well, I'm not a hunter so I bought them at online auction)
- leather
- wire
- rope
- metal ring
- hot glue
- soldering eqipment
- pliers
Go Brush Your Teeth!

My teeth came a little dirty so before I made any steps I decided to clean them a little. I gave them a bath in a hydrogen peroxide and then I cleared them with a brush.

As a first step, I glued two teeth together with a hot glue so it would be easier to work with them.

Now just take a piece of wire and wrap them. This will make a spring which will hold them together.
Don't forget to make a loop at the centre!

After that cover the spring with a solder. This should reinforce the "holding part".
And I also like it, because it looks like it's casted :D

Now just wrap it with leather for a better look. You can also add some beads as a decoration ;)
Attaching the Ring

And we got to the (almost ) last step!
Take your pliers and attach a metal ring to that loop on the spring (I told you, it's important! :D )
Wear It!

Aaand we are done! :)
Now just put it on a leather cord and proudly wear it!
So now I finally have some piece of jewelry which I could wear at battles. Though I'm not sure if it's historically correct, but I like it. And I hope you like it too! :)
This came out as a short instructable, but it wasn't so hard and I think it's all clear.
If you have any questions or compliments be sure to leave a comment! ;)