Boxing Gym

What I made is a simple boxing gym on CAD Fusion 360, then started to build it with the available materials I had on hand and built it to be as close as possible to the CAD design. The reason for this design or why I did a boxing gym was because I recently started watching an anime about it called Hajime No Ippo and took the idea of making a boxing gym.
I believe that making this a small place for the community would be helpful as a boxing gym not only keeps people who would go fit and healthy,but it will also help them to meet other's. Ineraction within a community will help people to strive for better goals and build friendly rivalrys and friendships.
For Supplies I used
-Pipe Cleaners
-Hot glue gun
-Paint Black/White
First I started with making a design In Cad to get an idea of how I wanted to design my build. Then after some time I decided to go with a boxing gym and started off with a flat surface and then started building up the walls and working on the outside for a parking lot.
Shape Design
After doing that I decided to add designs of items that would be included in a boxing gyms using Fushion 360. I added punching bags, a boxing ring, motivational posters, ladder. using shapes such as squares, cylinders, rectangles to build these designs

At the end I added color to the whole project ( I didn't have pictures prior to past images as I forgot to take pictures) making sure everything had color and was detailed as much as I possibly can. After words I repeated the steps and built in person after my Fushion 360 sketch.