
home made pressure pan bread
no egg no soda no preservative
no egg no soda no preservative
Pressure Pan Set Up & Bread Pan Measurements

i used a pressure pan as it had sufficient space for bread & heat retention in a small space was effective. I also attempted in a bit bigger cooker but it took almost triple the time to bake. but a pressure pan & compatible smaller bread pan made the baking better.
Yeast Prooving

Mixing the Dough for 1st Rise

Preparation for Second Rise & Placing Into the Pre Heated Pressure Pan

the yeast i used was powdery.
patiently wait for atleast an hour for the second rise
patiently wait for atleast an hour for the second rise
Final Product (or Is It?)

my very first attempt. (yes we learn from experience, as i was not knowing about the time to give for baking this was the condition of my first bread)
My Progression

the bread baking improved as i tried it and started baking better if not best bread.
Variation-stuffed Bread?

stuff in just any (not too wet cooked stuffing) food & experiment.
Just Out From the Pan

now it takes me just 10 mins to bake (after 2nd rise) as i have tweaked the gas burner nozzle to burn with a larger flame.
Eating the Bread

Thanks to all the honest hardworking persons who had posted bread baking without oven, from which I had also learned to bake.