Broken PC Mouse Wheel Repair

Repairing of broken mouse wheel in case mouse working but wheel moves loosely without scrolling function.
Technical skills: Low
Time consumption: aprox. 1hour
What would be needed:
Shop floor equipment:
hand-grinder with metal cutting disc
workshop vice
column drill
drill 1.1; 1.2 or 1.3mm
Parts needed to buy:

Most model of mouses has all screw in down side.
So put the mouse on the top. Remove the battery if needed. And find all screws.
(my tip: on some types you must remove plastic sliders photo2 - it can be carefully done with knife)
Unscrew all bolts. And open the mouse.

This instructables describe repair of broken small hex rod on mouse wheel.
Remove inner screws if needed.
Try if your hex key is properly suitable for counterpart.
(My experience is often you can use hex key 1/16 - but does not exclude different dimensions)
Hole Making

Remove the wheel.
Now you need basics manual skills with drilling and plastics.
Plastic usually has a good machinability and is not difficult to drill new hole.
For drilling use one of drills listed above.
Keep the centre precisely. Small mistake has big impact on mouse useability
(Tip: before drilling use knife for remove burrs from break area)

Plastic used for production of wheel can be melted and welded by heat.
Clamp hex key to the vice (you can use pliers as well)
Heat up by lighter -!!! do not touch hex key is very hot
Now nicely put on the wheel on hex key and push about 10milimetres deep.
Wait until the key cools down.
During cooling time make sure that the wheel is perpendicular to the key in all directions.
Cut Off Hex Key

Check cutting length and cut off by hand grinder.
My experience is you can cutting of twice but change of hex key is not possible. So cut longer then shorten.
(Tip: Do it slow. hex keys are usually hardened and cutting might be difficult.)

Last step assembly is reverse procedure of disassembly.
Put back all parts; screws
Check the functionality
As last you can put back sliders.