Buckskin Wallet
Hey eveyone, I like to hunt deer and was taught as a kid to harvest what meat you can and then leave the recent for scavenger animals. But recently I've been doing recearch into maximizing the usage of the deer. And here is one of the little things that have came out of it so far.
The Buckskin Wallet - Buckskin is hide off of an animal that has it's natual fiber connections replaced with emulsified oils. This can be done by soaking the clean hide in a variety of thing ranging from brains, eggs, soap, different types of plants, oils, etc. etc. I have already completed the bucking process and now have some material to work with. So lets make a wallet!
Disclaimer - I got alot of help from the leather wallet tutorial also listed on this site. I decided to go with the tri-fold style wallet were there's is a bi-fold. If you are seriously thinking of making this. I would check out this other tutorial too. https://www.instructables.com/id/Leather-Wallet/
The Buckskin Wallet - Buckskin is hide off of an animal that has it's natual fiber connections replaced with emulsified oils. This can be done by soaking the clean hide in a variety of thing ranging from brains, eggs, soap, different types of plants, oils, etc. etc. I have already completed the bucking process and now have some material to work with. So lets make a wallet!
Disclaimer - I got alot of help from the leather wallet tutorial also listed on this site. I decided to go with the tri-fold style wallet were there's is a bi-fold. If you are seriously thinking of making this. I would check out this other tutorial too. https://www.instructables.com/id/Leather-Wallet/
Here is a list of materials and tools you will need:
- Buckskin (or other type of material)
- Thread ( think tough thread)
- Clear Plastic (steal from some packaging)
- Scissors
- Sharp cutting tool (knife, exacto knife, etc.)
- Speed Stitcher or sewing needles, or sewing machine
- Square and straight edge of some sort (really wide books work great!)
- Time
- Buckskin (or other type of material)
- Thread ( think tough thread)
- Clear Plastic (steal from some packaging)
- Scissors
- Sharp cutting tool (knife, exacto knife, etc.)
- Speed Stitcher or sewing needles, or sewing machine
- Square and straight edge of some sort (really wide books work great!)
- Time
Creating a Design
Because I wanted a Tri-fold wallet. I used dimensions from my previous wallet and averaged it out with the leather wallet's dimensions. Now I do not have much sewing experience, but the idea is have enough room for whatever you putting in, plus sewing area. So things will obviously be a bit bigger. The picture is my quick hand drawn layout with dimensions.
Draw Out Your Design
Draw out your design on your buckskin, or whatever material you chose.
Cut Out Your Outline
Ok you got it laid out the way you want it. Cut it out! I used good scissors and a very sharpe knife to do this. When cutting with the knife, it helps to cut along a straight edge of some sort. ( Sorry no pics)
Side note: I ended up not choosing to go with the rounded side pockets for cards. My buckskin is very flexible and soft and I felt that with rounded edges, it wouldn't work as well. So I ended up cutting straight lines.
Side note: I ended up not choosing to go with the rounded side pockets for cards. My buckskin is very flexible and soft and I felt that with rounded edges, it wouldn't work as well. So I ended up cutting straight lines.
Start Stitching and Folding
Ok, now we begin to start putting it together. You can do this in any order you'd like, but I would recommend first doing stitches that will be covered by a overlapping or folded parts. Just make sure to think ahead and you'll be fine. For stitching I used a speed stitcher. It is a great tool for working with tough material and makes a nice lock stitch.
One of the first things I stitched in was a piece of plastic for the ID slot. The plastic I robbed from some leftover packaging and cut it into a square.
Also I stitched the side card pockets to stiffen up the slots. To fold everything into place so that it stayed. I took a damp towel and dabbed the area to be folded. Then I folded and put a weight of some sort on top. I let this sit for maybe 5 min. Worked pretty good.
One of the first things I stitched in was a piece of plastic for the ID slot. The plastic I robbed from some leftover packaging and cut it into a square.
Also I stitched the side card pockets to stiffen up the slots. To fold everything into place so that it stayed. I took a damp towel and dabbed the area to be folded. Then I folded and put a weight of some sort on top. I let this sit for maybe 5 min. Worked pretty good.
Fold Wallet Into Shape and You're DONE!
The last thing to do is fold your new tri-fold wallet into it's closed position. Wet the folded areas and then leave it be for a while under a weight. Buckskin is a very flexible material so it didn't take long for it to take shape. Once your done feel free to put all your cash and cards and whatnot inside and hit the streets!