Build Your Own Atlatl

The Hunter, stalks his prey to an open field with the perfect opportunity to strike. Eyes narrowed with full intent on a clean kill. Slowly but surely the Hunter draws an arrow from his quiver and prepares for the attack. In one swift motion he takes three quick steps and swings his arm flinging the arrow into the air. Traveling at a speed of 80 Mph the arrow flies silently through the air until it reaches its target, plunging through the beasts spine paralyzing it creating an instant kill, No blood trail and no danger for the Hunter. He collects his prize and moves onto the next day of just trying to stay alive.
Anders625 here with another fun and exciting ible. that you can make yourself. On this instructable I will be showing you guys how to build your own Atlatl (At-latl). If you have ever whittled a stick before then you're fully qualified for this project, but first be for we get into that I think it is important that I explain to everyone what an Atlatl is.
The Atlatl more commonly known as a spear thrower is essentially a stick with a knock on one end that allows a five foot long arrow to rest until thrown. This special stick gives leverage to the user allowing them to throw the dart further then if they were just using there hand to throw it. The knock acts as a temporary energy storage area while the dart is being used, when the user shoots the stored energy and the energy being created at that time by the user are combined to increase the distance the user can fling the dart. This weapon was used by our ancestors about 21,000-17,000 years ago and is still used today by many hobbyists.
I hope you like this one, be sure to subscribe to me for many more instructables like this one coming soon, also if you like this then be sure to favorite it. If you have any questions or comments then be sure to leave them below, I'm very good at responding and if I don't right away then just be patient and I will respond to you soon. Please be sure to vote for me in the Hunter Gather contest, thank you.

Here is a list of all the tools and materials necessary to complete this project.
- Some saplings that are between 4 and 5 feet long(these are used because of there natural ability to bend without breaking, any type of wood will work as long as it's not thicker then your thumb)
- A Swiss Army Knife along with a large wood carving knife ( I used my buck knife)
- A 1.5 foot long stick that is thicker then your thumb but thinner then your wrist.
- A metal wire hanger for the arrow shelf (optional, but I strongly recommend for beginners)
- Leather, your choice of color and type (EX. Kangaroo skin with purple and pink poka dots)
- Last but not least, a hot glue gun

First you will need to find your wood before you can do anything. I found a nice bush in a forest by my house, so I cut the three straightest saplings I could find and cut them to be about 5 feet long.

next you will need to debark those stick from the previous step, this can be done using one of your knives.

Take multiple sticks (this is why I made three) and tie them together then set them into a water source to let them set overnight, This helps to straighten them out. The next day you will need to let them sit in the sun and dry, this will strengthen the wood and complete the process.

This is what it will look like when you are done.

Now find a log that is thinner then your wrist, but thicker then your thumb, This will be the throwing part of the Atlatl. Make sure both sides are smooth and debark it be for the next step.

Next using the saw on your Swiss knife cut two notches on both sides of your stick and cut about half way through, these will be the handle and the nock so be generous when deciding where to put the cuts.
TIP: measure the with of your hand and add an inch to that to determine where to put the cuts.

Now for the "fun part" carving out the center part so that it goes from cut to cut and makes a smooth and flat finish.

The is is what We should have now.

Take the arrows and using your knife carve out shallow holes in one side of them.

This part is easy it just takes a while. Start by tying a piece of sinu six inches from the end of the stick with the hole carved into it then take one of your fletchings and wrap the sinu around it then do the same for the other two. Now you can just start rolling the sinu around the feathers until you get to the top end where you will tie it off to finish it.

Take you knife and carve a point to the tip.

Take the hangar and cut two equally sized pieces out that are about six inches long.

use the leather punch to make two small holes in the bottom of the log.

Now in this you will attach the two pieces of wire to Atlatl. Start by placing them vertically then apply a generous amount of hot glue to the area.

bend the wires you just glued in so that they look like so, then add more hot glue to the wires to keep them together while in use.

now at the other end take your knife and carve out a two centimeters deep hole for your nock. If the knife doesn't work then you can use a drill it would probably work better then the way I did it.

Now take a piece of scrap from making the arrows and carve it down so that it will fit in the hole to secure it add hot glue to make it stay.

cut it so that it sticks out about half an inch. Then smooth the edges.

to finish it off cut your leather into thin strips and wrap them Around the handle.

now your ready to fire set an arrow on the rest put the knocking the hole in the end, wind up and launch. It's hard to explain exactly how to use it but in sure you can get a general idea by looking at pictures above. I even added a gif so you can so it fire.
I hope you like this little project I've been working on, be sure to subscribe to me for many more instructables like this one coming soon, also if you like this then be sure to favorite it. If you have any questions or comments then be sure to leave them below, I'm very good at responding and if I don't right away then just be patient and I will respond to you soon. Please be sure to vote for me, thank you.