Build a Gigafactory Puzzle
by solomonocheni4 in Craft > Cardboard
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Build a Gigafactory Puzzle

Wow, what an idea, it can be fun to play puzzles but what of making it creative. This puzzle can be made from other materials like plastic/wood.

Pen or Paint
Cutting the Cardboard

Cut two piece of cardboard. Take one and cut into the shape of your gigafactory, make another piece out of the other piece of cardboard. Cut another cardboard for the base (I used a white thick paper). Cut tiny lengths of cardboard to make the wall.
Applying Glue

Glue the two factory like cardboards together. Place the glued cardboard on the base and mark out it shape. With the tiny lengths of cardboard and glue, make the wall along the marked line. Try fitting the factory like cardboard into the wall, it should fit exactly.

Pick up your pen or paint brush and design your gigafactory.
Making the Puzzle

Cut the factory like cardboard into puzzle pieces. I used the puzzle pattern in the image to make the piece easier to cut.

Play your puzzle, making you creative.