Building the 3D Printed Arduino Social Robot Buddy

by LittleBots in Circuits > Robots

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Building the 3D Printed Arduino Social Robot Buddy

all 3_1.png
Buddy 3D Printed Arduino Social Robot Kit
LittleBot Buddy Arduino Robot Kit Build Tutorial

Buddy is a 3D Printed arduino social robot. He interacts with the world by using an ultrasonic sensor to map out his immediate area. When something changes in his environment he reacts. He can be surprised or inquisitive and sometimes a bit aggressive.

Buddy sees the world by checking particular points in a map around him. These points are updated as he moves around and reacts to new things.

If an object is placed in or removed from his vicinity he will react by potentially searching it out or becoming angry. Buddy generates his actions on the fly. Each one is completely original and based on what is happening around him. He never recycles a reaction. Buddy is currently on Kickstarter we welcome any support in order to keep this project alive.

Buddy will be be the 9th robotics kit that we have created at LittleBots. We have been working to make robotics and STEM exciting and fun. And it hasn't changed with Buddy. Except now anyone can enjoy this robot. Whether you are a builder or not. You can just "hang out" with Buddy.

Enjoy the build tutorial.


Upload the Code

Buddy Social Robot Scanning and Mapping Demo

Before any assembly make sure that you have uploaded the Arduino Code to the Buddy. It will allow him to interact with the world. Updates of the code can be downloaded from the LittleBots Downloads Page

If you are not familiar with Arduino then you can visit this page for more tutorials


Assemble the Neck

3 feed sensor wire through neck.PNG
4 insert tilt servo.PNG
6 feed servo wire through neck.PNG
8 set nodding servo.PNG
  1. Feed the 4 prong sensor wire through the channel on the neck
  2. Insert the Servo into the the neck that tilts the head from side to side

  3. If necessary use a think screwdriver to push the wire through.

  4. Insert the Nodding servo into the neck. It does not require any screws

Assemble the Head

1 insert ultrasonic sensor.PNG
2 insert horn into back of head.PNG

  1. Press the ultrasonic sensor firmly into the 3D printed front-facing head piece
  2. Take the back half of the head and set a two-prong Servo Horn into it.

Prepare the Base

9 set mainboard.PNG
7 insert servo into base.PNG

  1. Use 4 servo mounting screws to set the main arduino board into the base of the robot.
  2. Insert and secure with screws a servo into the base .

Position All Servos

10 rotate neck servo fully clockwise.PNG
13 turn base closwise.PNG
rotate nod servo fully ccw.PNG
Using a Spare horn, GENTLY, rotate each servo to its home position
  1. Manually rotate the servo fully clock-wise
  2. Turn the Base Servo Fully Clock-wise.
  3. Rotate the Nodding Servo fully CCW

Attach Head to Neck

11 set had tilted to left.PNG
11_2 set servo screw.PNG
12 seal the head closed.PNG

  1. Mount the base of the head so that is it is tilted to the left a little less than vertically.
  2. Secure with a servo horn screw.
  3. Connect the sensor wire to the sensor, noting which color wires go with which pin on the sensor
  4. Seal the Head closed with 2 servo mounting screws

Attach Neck to Base

14 attached with yoke facing to right.PNG
15 set head horisontal.PNG

  1. Attach the Neck yoke piece to the servo so that it is facing 90 decrees to the right.Secure with horn and screw
  2. Attach the Neck and head to the neck yoke. Insert by tilting the servo armature in and then twisting the neck into place.
  3. Secure with a horn and screw. Make sure that the neck is horizontal or slightly below.

Wire Up the Motors and Sensor

16 feed wires into base.PNG
17 wire the servos.PNG
servo connections focus.png
18 seal the base.PNG

  1. Feed all servo and sensor wires into the base.
  2. Wires servos to the main board according to the diagram.
  3. Plug in the Sensor Wire to the ultrasonic port.
  4. Make sure that the pins are aligned with the pins on the sensor
  5. Use 4 servo mounting screws to attach the base plate to the main body

Enjoy Your Buddy

Buddy and LittleArm are Friends
Arduino Social Robot Kit Buddy

Simply Plug in Buddy now and watch him come alive.

If you would like to support Buddy you can preorder kits and parts from our Kickstarter

Find other parts and arduino kits at the LittleBots Website

Updates here on the Buddy 3D Printed Arduino Robot Kit