For the final project in the first year of my studies, I made a remote controlled coffee machine Using a Raspberry Pi.
It allows you to make coffee from anywhere as long as you have access to the internet!
You still have to manually refill the water, place a pot under the machine and put coffee inside the filter, for this to work.
- make coffee from anywhere
- track how much coffee you've made each day
- check how much water there is in the reservoir
- detect if there is a coffee pot underneath the machine
- measure temperature of the coffee machine
Github repository:
Raspberry Pi 4B 2gb
The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap computer that runs Linux, but it also provides a set of GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins, allowing you to control electronic components for physical computing and explore the Internet of Things (IoT).
Load cell with hx711
Used to detect whether or not there is a coffee pot underneath the machine. Also used to track the weight of each pot of coffee made (when making the same amount of coffee, this can be used to detect possible calcification).
LCD Display 16x2 with PCF8574
Used to display the IP address so you can connect to the Web Application. Also rotates information such as temperature and the current water level inside the reservoir.
Relay module
Used to control the heating element inside the coffee machine
TMP36 with MCP3008
Used to measure the current temperature inside the machine.
Grove 10cm Water level Sensor
Used to measure how much water there is inside of the reservoir.
philips hd7459
This is the coffee machine I used, in the BOM(bill-off-materials) i listed some cheaper alternatives.

I used a program called fritzing to make these schematics
my colors used in these are:
- Red = 5V
- Orange = 3.3V
- Black = GND
Some components operate at 5V others at 3.3V so be careful when assembling!
Designing the Case

I made sure the design was big enough to fit all of my electronics comfortably.

All the data from my sensors are stored in a relational database of SQL (MariaDB)
- here are the different devices stored, aswell as their mesuring unit, price and a brief description
- stores the values of each sensor
- the different acties a device can preform
Design and Built the Website

Built With
- python
- javascript
- charts.js
- Socket.IO
- mysql
- Python Threading
The front-end runs on an apache2 server
The database runs on mariaDB.
source code can be found via this link:
Making the Case

I mostly used wood I had laying around, primarily to reduce the cost of my project.
Painting the Case

After putting everything together I chose to paint it with coffee related things, my main inspiration was the netflix series called The Midnight Gospel.