CPWii (Retro Wii-style Mariokart Game on LED Matrix)

by flanaghi in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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CPWii (Retro Wii-style Mariokart Game on LED Matrix)


If you were like me growing up, you had a Nintendo Wii and spent countless hours playing video games on it. One of those games being the classic Mario Kart. To relive my glory days and test my coding skills (in Circuit Python), I decided to recreate a retro style Mario Kart on an LED matrix that behaves just like a Wii. I used two Circuit Playground Bluefruits, one to program the game and the other to control it like a Wii remote. I used Bluetooth connection between the two of them to send/receive accelerometer values to control the "car" on the LED. I will go deeper into the code at that respective step, but that is the general overview and I hope you enjoy!




16x16 LED Matrix (I used this one on Amazon: BTF-LIGHTING WS2812B ECO RGB Alloy Wires 5050SMD Individual Addressable 16X16 256 Pixels LED Matrix Flexible FPCB Full Color Works with K-1000C,SP107E,etc Controllers Image Video Text Display DC5V)

Velcro tape

Alligator clips

2 Circuit Playground Bluefruits from Adafruit

1/8 inch wood (box to hold led) 

Wood glue

2 battery packs and usb wires (to power CPBs)

PLA for 3D printing Wii remote 

Heat shrink tubing for wires (prevents shorting) 

Make Materials


Make all materials needed:

Tinker cad file for 3D printing wii remote

Maker case file then edit in Adobe Illustrator to customize box. Then lazer cut to hold LED.


Add to Previous Materials


Velcro tape battery pack to wii remote and make sure CPB fits in top. Velcro tape LED matrix to box and leave the back panel open to be able to work with wiring.

Wire Up LED and CPB (Receiver)


Use DIN, 5V and GND wires from LED and connect to respective parts of CPB (I used alligator clips).

Sender Code

Now is the code. I will walk through what each line does in this code.

There are two files, the sender (remote) and receiver (game).

I will walk through sender here:

1. Import Required Libraries and Modules

board: Provides access to hardware pins.

time: Allows for time-related functions like delays.

digitalio: Provides digital I/O control for GPIO pins.

busio: Provides an interface for I2C communication.

Button: Debounces button inputs to avoid multiple triggers from a single press.

BLERadio: Manages the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio interface.

ProvideServicesAdvertisement: Advertises BLE services.

UARTService: Provides a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) service over BLE for serial data communication.

RawTextPacket: Encodes and decodes packets of plain text to send over BLE.

adafruit_lis3dh: Provides functions for handling an LIS3DH accelerometer.

2. Set Up the Accelerometer with I2C Communication

Create an I2C interface: i2c connects the microcontroller to the accelerometer using I2C pins (SCL and SDA).

Set up an interrupt pin: int1 is configured to receive interrupts from the accelerometer, allowing the microcontroller to react to motion events.

Initialize the accelerometer: accelerometer is an object representing the LIS3DH accelerometer.

Set accelerometer range: The range is set to ±8G, which controls the sensitivity and range of acceleration the sensor can measure.

3) Set up BLE and Define Device Name

receiver_name: Stores the name of the BLE device we want to connect to.

ble: Initializes the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) interface.

uart_connection: Sets a variable to hold the BLE connection to the device, initialized as None.

4) Define Functions to Send Packets Over BLE

send_packet(uart_connection_name, packet):

Sends a packet over the established BLE UART connection and handles possible disconnections.


Sends a "RESTART" command over BLE.

5. Main Loop for BLE Connection and Accelerometer Data Transmission

BLE Scanning: If not connected, it scans for nearby BLE devices.

Connection: Connects to the device and stops scanning once connected.

6. Data Transmission Loop

Read Accelerometer Data: x, y, z values from accelerometer.acceleration represent acceleration on each axis.

Format Data: Combines x and y values with a comma and newline to make a readable format.

Send Data: Uses send_packet to transmit the data to the BLE device. If send_packet fails, it clears the uart_connection.

Sleep: Adds a small delay to control data rate.


Receiver Code

Now I will walk through receiver code (much more complicated):

Step 1: Import Libraries

import board - Accesses the hardware pins of the board.

import neopixel - Allows control of NeoPixel (RGB) LEDs.

import digitalio - Used for digital I/O control, like enabling the speaker.

from adafruit_ble import BLERadio

from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement

from adafruit_ble.services.nordic import UARTService

from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.packet import Packet

from adafruit_bluefruit_connect.raw_text_packet import RawTextPacket - Everything adafruit_ble Imports modules to set up Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connections and services.

import time - Allows tracking of elapsed time for game events.

import random - Provides functions to randomize certain game events.

from audiomp3 import MP3Decoder

from audiopwmio import PWMAudioOut as AudioOut # For CPB & Pico (IF USING SOUND)

Step 2: Setup Bluetooth Connection


ble = BLERadio()

uart = UARTService()

advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart)

advertisement.complete_name = "ACF-r"

ble.name = advertisement.complete_name

print("Running Receiver Code!")


Initializes the BLE module, creating a connection service and an advertisement that will be used to advertise the device.

Sets the BLE device name to "ACF-r" and starts the receiver code for BLE interactions.

Step 3: Setup NeoPixel and Game Variables


pixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.A1, n=256, brightness=0.3, auto_write=False)


Initializes a 16x16 NeoPixel grid (256 LEDs total) on A1 with 0.3 brightness.


car_position = [8, 15] # Starting position on a 16x16 grid


Sets the car's starting position in the center-bottom of the NeoPixel grid.

Step 4: Define Obstacle and Finish Line Properties


obstacle_speed = 0.5 # Speed for obstacles

last_obstacle_update = time.monotonic() # Track last update time

obstacle_interval = 2 # Time interval in seconds to add new obstacles

last_obstacle_spawn = time.monotonic()


Controls obstacle behavior, including speed, time tracking, and spawn intervals.


obstacles = [{"x": random.randint(3, 12), "y": 0, "width": random.randint(1, 3), "original_x": random.randint(3, 12)}]


Initializes the obstacle list with a random obstacle position and size.


finish_line_y = -1 # Start off-screen

finish_line_trigger_time = 15 # Time in seconds to trigger finish line

last_obstacle_hit_time = time.monotonic() # Last time an obstacle was hit


Defines the finish line properties and triggers, including its starting position and trigger time.

Step 5: Define Game Reset and Obstacle Reset Functions


def reset_obstacle(obstacle):

obstacle["y"] = 0 # Reset to the top

obstacle["x"] = random.randint(3, 12) # Restrict x position within the "road" area

obstacle["original_x"] = obstacle["x"] # Set starting x position for mirroring

obstacle["width"] = random.randint(1, 3) # Random width between 1 and 3 pixels


Defines how obstacles reset to a random location and size at the top of the grid.


def reset_game():

global car_position, obstacles, last_obstacle_hit_time, finish_line_y

car_position = [8, 15] # Reset car position

obstacles = [{"x": random.randint(3, 12), "y": 0, "width": random.randint(1, 3), "original_x": random.randint(3, 12)}]

last_obstacle_hit_time = time.monotonic() # Reset the timer

finish_line_y = -1 # Reset finish line off-screen


Resets the game state, including car position, obstacles, and timer.

Step 6: Main Loop - Advertising and BLE Connection Handling


while True:

ble.start_advertising(advertisement) # Start advertising.

print(f"Advertising as: {advertisement.complete_name}")

was_connected = False


Advertises the BLE device and sets a connection flag.

Step 7: Handle Bluetooth Messages and Game Actions


while not was_connected or ble.connected:

if ble.connected: # If BLE is connected...

was_connected = True


Continues the game loop while BLE is connected, allowing data reception.


if uart.in_waiting:


packet = Packet.from_stream(uart) # Create the packet object.

print(f"packet: {packet}")

except ValueError:



Checks for incoming BLE data packets and prints them.


if isinstance(packet, RawTextPacket): # If the packet is a RawTextPacket

message = packet.text.decode().strip()

print(f"Message Received: {message}")


Confirms the packet is raw text, then decodes and prints it.


values = message.split(',')

x_accel = float(values[0])

print(f"Accelerometer values: X: {x_accel}")


Reads accelerometer values sent from the BLE-connected device.


if x_accel < -2.5 and car_position[0] < 12: # Tilted left

car_position[0] += 1 # Move right

elif x_accel > 2.5 and car_position[0] > 3: # Tilted right

car_position[0] -= 1 # Move left


Moves the car left or right based on accelerometer input.

Step 8: Obstacle and Finish Line Update Logic


current_time = time.monotonic()

if current_time - last_obstacle_update >= obstacle_speed:


Checks if it’s time to move the obstacles down by comparing elapsed time.


if finish_line_y >= 0 and finish_line_y < 15:

finish_line_y += 1 # Move finish line down by 1 row


Moves the finish line down if it’s been triggered.


for obstacle in obstacles:

if obstacle["y"] % 2 == 0:

obstacle["x"] = obstacle["original_x"]


obstacle["x"] = 15 - obstacle["original_x"]

obstacle["y"] += 1 # Move down one row


Adjusts each obstacle’s position, mirroring them to simulate lane shifts.


for i in range(obstacle["width"]):

if obstacle["x"] + i == car_position[0] and obstacle["y"] == car_position[1]:

print("Game Over!")

reset_game() # Automatically restart the game


# If the obstacle reaches the bottom, reset it to the top with a new random x position

if obstacle["y"] > 15:


last_obstacle_update = current_time


Checks for collisions between obstacles and the car.

Step 9: Add New Obstacles


if current_time - last_obstacle_spawn >= obstacle_interval:


"x": random.randint(3, 12),

"y": 0,

"width": random.randint(1, 3),

"original_x": random.randint(3, 12)


last_obstacle_spawn = current_time


Spawns new obstacles periodically.


# Check for finish line condition

if current_time - last_obstacle_hit_time >= finish_line_trigger_time and finish_line_y == -1:

finish_line_y = 0 # Start falling only once

print("Finish line started falling") # Debug statement


Makes the finish line start falling after 15 seconds of not hitting an obstacle

Step 10: Draw Car, Obstacles, and Finish Line on LED Matrix


pixel.fill((0, 0, 0)) # Clear all pixels

for y in range(16):

pixel[y * 16 + 2] = (128, 128, 128) # Left road line in gray

pixel[y * 16 + 13] = (128, 128, 128) # Right road line in gray

car_index = car_position[1] * 16 + car_position[0]

pixel[car_index] = (0, 255, 0) # Car in green


Clears the screen, draws road lines, and places the car in green.


for obstacle in obstacles:

for i in range(obstacle["width"]):

if 3 <= obstacle["x"] + i <= 12 and 0 <= obstacle["y"] < 16:

obstacle_index = obstacle["y"] * 16 + (obstacle["x"] + i)

pixel[obstacle_index] = (255, 0, 0) # Obstacles in red


Draws each obstacle as red pixels on the grid.


if finish_line_y >= 0 and finish_line_y < 16:

for x in range(3, 13): # Draw the finish line across the road

pixel[int(finish_line_y) * 16 + x] = (255, 255, 0) # Finish line in yellow


Draws the finish line if it’s triggered, moving it down one row each cycle.


pixel.show() # Update the LED matrix


Updates the NeoPixel display, refreshing the visual game state.


Run Program

It is important that you start the receiver code before the sender and wait a few seconds before running the sender because of the delay in Bluetooth connection. The program should automatically start running once the receiver is connected to the sender, and the accelerometer values will be transmitted, and you can move the car.
