CS2 K'nex Shotgun by Oblivitus

by Oblivitus in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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CS2 K'nex Shotgun by Oblivitus

Picture 013.JPG
Picture 021.JPG

K'nex Gun Name: CS2 (Compact Shotgun 2)

Description: The CS1 was a new type of shotgun that had great potential and the CS2 fulfills it. With dual barrels, each firing 3 large rounds with a good deal of accuracy and power (goes about 30 feet and knexgun said his went over 60), and the ability to fire them almost simotaneously or individually, as well as room in each one to load a variety of k'nex pieces, this very compact shotgun is a force to be reckoned with. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but this may be the longest ranged k'nex multi-round firing gun.

Influences: The Handle Is From My DD-27 v2.1 Super Pistol Mod Which Is A Moddified Version Of Jollex's Gun.

Power: 7/10
Accuracy: 7/10
Rate Of Fire: 6/10 (cock, cock, load, load, fire, fire)

Length: 9 inches
Height: 6.5 inches
Width: 2 inches
Capacity: 2 sets of 3 rounds

1: CS2
2: CS1

This instructable will show you how to make the CS2, you can build the CS1 from the picture below if you are just interested in the shotgun barrel design.


The Gun

Picture 004.JPG
Picture 006.JPG
Picture 010.JPG
Picture 007.JPG
Picture 008.JPG
Picture 005.JPG
Picture 009.JPG
Picture 012.JPG
Picture 003.JPG
Picture 011.JPG
Picture 013.JPG
1: Gun, Left
2: Gun, Top
3: Gun, Bottom
4: Handle, Top
5: Barrels, Bottom
6: Trigger, Dissassembled
7: Trigger, Assembled
8: Trigger, Installed
9: Firing Rods
10: Firing Elastics
11: The Final Product

Cocking, Loading, Firing

Picture 014.JPG
Picture 015.JPG
Picture 016.JPG
Picture 017.JPG
Picture 018.JPG
Picture 019.JPG
Picture 020.JPG

1: Pull Back The Bottom Firing Rod
2: With Your Hand Pressing Up On The Trigger Mechanism,
3: Pull Back The Top Firing Rod


4: Hold 3 Yellow Rods In A Staggered Formation
5: Insert Them Into The Top Barrel
6: Push Them All The Way In
7: Insert 3 Into The Bottom Barrel In The Same Manner


Pull The Trigger!

Need Help?

Message me if you need help on any one of my designs!