Calavera Scarf

I got idea of making a custom scarf when I grinded something and that smell was really deadly ! :D
It was really easy and quick to make one and it was a loads of fun :)

You will need:
- black fabric
- paints
- brush
- thread and needle
- pencil
- scissors
- pins
Cutting and Sewing

First step is to cut the basic shape. I chose a right angle triangle (I used my old scout scarf as a template :D ), but it's up to you! Choose any dimensions you desire.
Then just flip the edges and sew them. Use pins for better manipulation ;)

Now it comes to harder (but entertaining!) part - painting.
Make a pattern with pencil. Then paint the basic shapes with white color (or any other color you desire). After that just start adding some details like teeth, nose, this flower design all around, dots, tears,...I also added some beard! :) .. It only depends on your creativity, there isn't much to say about :)
Just look at the photos and try to get inspired!

Well...If you got here it means you're done!
I always loved this sugar skull design so I really enjoyed this project. And I hope you did too! :)
If you have any questions or compliments, feel free to write a comment!
See ya! :)