Calibration of a Flowmeter

by nathanp5 in Circuits > Electronics

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Calibration of a Flowmeter


The objective of this instructable is to show how to calibrate flowmeters, such as a Venturi meter, orifice-plate meter, and paddlewheel flowmeter.


The supplies for this assignment are three flowmeters, a Venturi meter, an orifice-plate meter, and a paddlewheel flowmeter.


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Each set of apparatus has two separate flowmeters attached to them a hydraulic one and a paddlewheel one. A detailed description of the apparatus is shown in Figure 1. Each of the two different types of flowmeters measures the same flow rate Q. Figure 2 shows a plan view of the lab setup, including the computers where the data will be kept and the flowmeters.

Calibrating the Transducers

All data acquisition for this experiment is done by LabVIEW software. This software requires the pressure transducers to be calibrated before use. The LabVIEW controls flow coefficients, produces valuable spreadsheets, and manages all the files.

Pre Procedure Checks

First, check to make sure the discharge valve is closed. Then check the level of mercury in the mercury-water manometer for the hydraulic flowmeter, and make sure these levels are equal. If not equal open and close the drain valves to release all trapped air.

Calibration of Manometer Differential Pressure Transducer

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Now you need to calibrate the voltage of the Validyne differential pressure transducer. This is used to measure the pressure difference in the hydraulic flowmeter. First, set the Vfn output on the transducer to zero. Next with the discharge valve being closed, open the manometer value, CAL VALVE to reduce the pressure in the manometer lines. Take voltage readings off the transducer five times taking the fifth reading when the valve is fully open. Maximum voltage should not exceed 10V. Figure 3 depicts the Venturi meter.

Data Acquisition

Now acquire data for both the hydraulic flowmeter and the paddlewheel. Completely open the discharge valve, or until maximum manometer deflection occurs. Observe the voltage in both the paddlewheel and the Validyne system. Record both readings when the paddlewheel voltage has a significant nonzero value. At the maximum flow rate use the LabVIEW software to note voltages and maximum manometer deflection. Repeat this procedure at slower flow rates so that deflections are 0.9^2 * maximum deflection, 0.8^2 * maximum deflection, and so on until 0.1^2* maximum deflection. Record both readings one last time when the paddlewheel voltage drops to 0.

Lab Results

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The table displays the laboratory results the LabVIEW system obtained. The LabVIEW software also calculated the discharge coefficient Cd, Reynolds number Re, and the velocity of the flow.

Analysis (Lab Report 1,2,5,6)

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Five graphs show the most important relationships between the discharge coefficient Cd v. Reynolds number, and manometer deflection and flow rate. The second graph shows the flow rate vs. manometer deflection in the logarithmic scale and proves there is a power scale. The data point in the graph above does not follow a straight linear line. This shows that the data set is a power-law relation. The equation Q = K(Δh)m does apply. As the manometer deflection decreased the flow also decreased in a power-law relation. The paddlewheel was moving throughout the whole experiment so there are no falling cutoff flow rates indicated in the last graph. With no cutoff rates, there was also no cutoff fluid velocity. Since the paddlewheel never was constantly moving there are no cutoffs and with no cutoffs, there is no maximum velocity.

Discussion (Questions 2,4)

Question 2:

The discharge coefficient Cd is not constant over the range of Reynolds Values tested. The ideal value of Cd is 1 and the experimentally measured values for Cd were all below 1. It says in the lab manual that usually in practice Cd is found to be slightly less. The experimental value of Cd also decreased as the flow rate decreased. In practice, the value of Cd for the Venturi flowmeter is less than unity but for the orifice-plate meter, it is significantly less than unity. The main correction that should be made to the theory is that the unity value for Cd should not be 1. This unity value assumes the absolute best conditions, which is not realistic in a lab setting. If the theory lowered the unity Cd value then we could experimentally determine more realistic values of Cd.

Question 4:

The paddlewheel flowmeter is seen to be pretty reliable because the R^2 value is 0.974 which is very close to 1. The readings were also more accurate at higher flow rates. At high flow rates, the paddlewheel is pretty accurate every data point falls in almost a perfect linear relationship, but when low flow rates occur the data points are not exactly on the linear trendline.