Capacitive Touch Baby Mobile
by AnishaKundu123 in Living > Decorating
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Capacitive Touch Baby Mobile

Baby Mobile
I made a fun, interactive, baby mobile! I noticed that most baby mobiles were made to be played with by touching it. However, very few mobiles responded to the touch. I created this mobile to light up in the same color as the fish that the person touched. Additionally, various different beach sounds play when each fish is touched. Enjoy!
- Various colors of 1/8in acrylic (pink, purple, crimson, orange, dark green, light green, teal, navy, yellow)
- Copper tape
- Conductive thread
- LED light strip
- Raspberry Pi Pico W (with headers and a breadboard)
- STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 4-pin to Premium Male Headers Cable
- Adafruit MPR121 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Gator Breakout
- Aligator clips
- Speaker
- 1/4in Baltic Birch
- Wire
- Double-sided tape
- Superglue
- Laser cutter
- Laptop
- Adobe
- Circuit python

Laser-cut two acrylic boxes
- One large box with no front or back panel
- Make 12 small holes on the top of the box for each of the threads to go through
- Make a small rectangular hole in the back for the LED strip wires to go through
- One small box with no bottom
- For the top of the box to hide the wires
- Box Generator

Laser cut a ring out of thick wood and attach wire to the ring so it can rotate
- Measure the LED strip and make the circle's circumference the same length as the strip using the equation 2(pi)(r) and finding r
- Wrap wire around 4 points of the ring so that it is stable

Laser-cut fish in different colors
Copper Tape

Apply copper tape to the edges of each fish

Glue conductive thread to the top of the fish
- Make sure that the copper tape is touching the conductive wire
Hang Ring

Attach the ring and strings to the large box
- Using the 12 holes, thread each of the strings through each of their respective holes corresponding with the touch pad and lights
- Use the last 3 holes to secure the ring to the box by threading the wires through

Wire up touchpad, speaker, and LED strip to the breadboard
- Use the wiring diagrams above
Hang Fish

Attach the fish to the ring by wrapping the string around the ring and tape the LED strip to the ring with double-sided tape
Beach Sounds
Record the beach sounds
- Record the beach sounds using audacity and save them to a file on the Rasberry Pi Pico W

- Here are some pictures of my code
- Here is my code:
#baby mobile
import board, time, neopixel
import adafruit_mpr121, digitalio, audiomixer, audiocore
from adafruit_debouncer import Button
from audiopwmio import PWMAudioOut as AudioOut
from audiocore import WaveFile
audio = AudioOut(board.GP15)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
PINK = (255,90,100)
MAGENTA = (199,21,193)
CRIMSON = (250,50,53)
ORANGE = (255, 40, 0)
DGREEN = (0,250,0)
LGREEN = (21,250,52)
TEAL = (0, 255, 120)
NAVY = (32,42,200)
YELLOW = (255,233,0)
# We often use these colors, but be sure to check colors used when taking exams
strip = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP16, 30)
i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C()
touch_pad = adafruit_mpr121.MPR121(i2c)
pads = []
for t_pad in touch_pad:
pads.append(Button(t_pad, value_when_pressed=True))
def play_sound(filename):
with open(path + filename, "rb") as wave_file:
wave = WaveFile(wave_file)
while audio.playing:
#make list of songs/noises for the path
path = "beach-sounds/"
beats = ["dolphin.wav", "dripping-water1.wav", "general-beach1.wav",
"orca1.wav", "seagull1.wav", "sipping-cold-drink1.wav", "water-drop1.wav",
"wave-crash1.wav", "wind1.wav", "wind1.wav", "wind1.wav", "wind1.wav"
num_voices = len(beats)
mixer = audiomixer.Mixer(voice_count = num_voices, sample_rate = 8000, channel_count=1, bits_per_sample=16, samples_signed=True)
for i in range(len(beats)):
wave = audiocore.WaveFile(open(path+beats[i],"rb"))
mixer.voice[i].play(wave, loop=True )
mixer.voice[i].level = 0.0
while True:
#touched = False
for i in range(len(pads)):
if pads[i].pressed:
mixer.voice[i].level = 0.5
if pads[i].released:
mixer.voice[i].level = 0.0
Small Box on Large Box

Secure the small box on top of the larger box to keep wires compacted
Finishing Touches

Finishing touches
- Tape extra wires down
- Secure speaker to the large box