Captain's Converse

I was handed an old pair of shoes off my son "you can have these, they don't fit me" well for the money I had spent on them i wasn't throwing them away. They where looking abit unloved so at first i was going to paint something on them until I walked past my sewing pile and realised making an iron on patch for them might be a better option, and different. So here it is, my first instructable for iron on Captain America's sheilds for my 'new' pumps.
Material in blue, red and white
Iron on backing paper from a haberdashery or online
Image to use
P.V.A glue
Getting Started

You need an image of the shield roughly the size of the side of your shoe. I made mind slightly larger as i wanted it to be more noticeable I suppose. I found an image online and copied it but you could print it out if you wanted too. Once you have your image you need to cut it out.
The Begginings of a Beautiful Shield

The Repetitive Part...

Groundhog Day...

Ironing It All Together...

The Part You Need Patience For...

Next is the ironing part. I held the shoe with my hand inside, thinking now, it would of been wiser using a towel to fill it, and ran the iron over the outside edge of the shield to make sure it was in the right place before ironing it on properly. Repeat for the second shoe.