Cardboard Crochet Compartment
by msgeniushour in Craft > Cardboard
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Cardboard Crochet Compartment

This Instructable will show you how to make a small Crochet Compartment out of cardboard!
Materials: cardboard from a large pop can package (like a bubly box from costco), popsicle stick (optional), paint/markers/pencil crayons/etc (optional)
Tools: scissors/exacto knife, hot glue gun, pencil
Find the Middle of the Cardboard and Cut Through It
It doesn't matter if it's a bit uneven or wonky :)
Cut Through the Two Halves You Just Made

Put Together the Cardboard Rectangles So That It Has a Border Around It

You should have 2 bordered rectangles in the end.
Hot Glue the Corners Together
(i forgot the picture)
Sketch Out the Swirl You Would Put Your Yarn Through and Cut It Out
Hot Glue the Two Boxes Together, With the Top One (which Should Be the One With the Swirl) Half Way on Top of the Bottom One

(optional) Cut the Popsicle Stick in Half and Glue It on So the The Top Would Be Extra Stable