Cardboard Connections

Cardboard Connections are fun to build inside. These ones are easy to make using rolled up cardboard and balloons. If you want to cover one, just lay over a light sheet.

The hut structures are made from nodes and cross members.
Nodes are made using balloons:
- Blow up a balloon to about 15cms in diameter.
- Tie a knot to stop the air coming out
- Repeat the same process for the number of nodes required
Cross Members

Cross members are made from rolled up cardboard.
To make one:
- Cut a length of cardboard
- Roll up the cardboard into a tube
- Secure with some invisible tape

The cross members are joined together at the nodes made from the Balloons.
- Use invisible tape to join the cardboard tubes to the balloon nodes. Contact glue could also be used.

Making triangles using the balloons and cardboard tubes will give your structure strength.
- This is done by joining 3 tubes to make a triangle
- Legs can be added to the triangle to make a simple table.

A variety of designs can be made, as long as you use a few triangles in its' construction it should be strong enough. If you then want to make a different design, the tubes can be disassembled and reused.