Cardboard Laptop Stand

In this instructable I will show you how to make an awesome Laptop stand out of cardboard. Attached is the design I used, print it out and use it! (Note: This is my own design)
You will Need:
Cardboard - Shoe boxes work well
Pencil or Pen
Xacto Knife or a Razor
Glue for the cardboard
Something to cut on (A table works)
A Ruler
You will Need:
Cardboard - Shoe boxes work well
Pencil or Pen
Xacto Knife or a Razor
Glue for the cardboard
Something to cut on (A table works)
A Ruler
Cutting Out Your Pieces

First Print out the design and trace it out onto some cardboard and cut out the cardboard. I suggest using a razor because they are a lot sharper than scissors and scissors can bend the cardboard. If the edges are rough you can sand them down with some sand paper.
Gluing Your Pieces

Now, glue triangle pieces together so that they are double sided, then glue the notched pieces together in groups of two, In the end you should have 2 double sided triangle pieces and 4 double sided notched pieces.
Piecing Together

Almost Done!
Now, slide your notched pieces together (you"ll have to look at the pictures for the rest) And lock the X you formed into the bottom notches on the triangle pieces, then lock the other X onto the top notches on the triangle pieces
Now, slide your notched pieces together (you"ll have to look at the pictures for the rest) And lock the X you formed into the bottom notches on the triangle pieces, then lock the other X onto the top notches on the triangle pieces
Finishing Touches

To finish your stand take the small un-notched pieces and glue them to the X's as seen in the picture, glue the "Smaller group" at the smaller side and the "Bigger group" at the taller end. Gluing these pieces will strengthen your structure. Now Your Done!!
The Finished Product

Here are some pictures of what it looks like in the end, the best thing about this stand is you can take it apart for carrying around. Ask if you have any questions