Cardboard Stop-motion Figure
by the_bored _kid in Craft > Cardboard
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Cardboard Stop-motion Figure

In todays project we are going to make a stop-motion cardboard figure. just bcuz im bored.
super-precise gorilla glue
pipe cleaners (preferably black color)
The Frame

Disassemble the pen. Then take out the ink chamber (the skinny long thing inside) and cut to the desired measure. Then, clean the ink (this stuff can stain pretty badly) carefully. Now, cut out strips of cardboard vertically (around 1x6 inches ). Then, cut it horizontally. These will be your arms and legs, or limbs. Take the pen pipe and cut it to the size of the mini strips (that were cut horizontally) and sandwich it between the mini strips. You should have a long mini strip, a medium mini strip, and small mini strip. Make four long mini strips, 4 medium mini strips, and 4 small mini strips.
Upper and Lower Body and the Feet

Cut out the frame from the top picture. Then make a medium-size mini strip for the feet; don't forget to sandwich the pen part in between the medium mini-strip. For the upper body, gorilla glue on two sides like shown above, then place the pen pipe there. take the the other upper body part and glue on two sides like shown. Now slap it down on the other upper body part, the one that you glued the pen pipes to. leave it to cure for a couple seconds/minutes and do the same for the lower body. Be sure the upper body has three pen pipes, not two, like the lower body
Connect It!

Lay out the skeleton shell of the Cardboard stop-motion figure. Then, use the pipe cleaner to go through it. As in picture 4, leave a little flap at the top of the body. Cut the pipe cleaner to the length of the arm, then put it through the arm. with the same pipe cleaner that's in the arm, knot it onto one side of the flap. Do this twice, but knot the other arm onto the other side of the flap. make a frame for a cube like in pictures 1 and 2, then tape it close shut. squish the remaining part of the flap(the middle part should stick out will the other sides of the flap are knotted with the arms), then put the head onto it.
Wrap It Up

Now, wrap all the cardboard body parts with some cardboard to make it look beefy and not skinny. I also added a shoulder pad, an ancient crown thing, and some other things. It almost looks like a Necron Phareon. I beefed up the inside of the head so it would have a snug fit on the flap, but so it could "pop off" during the stop-motion when it's fighting somebody.
Energy Fuel Tubes

clear plastic
Green clear glue
Roll the clear plastic into a clear tube, then close it with tape or clear gorilla glue. Wrap cardboard around it and put it on the back of the cardboard stop-motion figure. Then, using the syringe, use whatever liquid you want to fill up the "energy fuel tanks."

Now, add more! I can't limit your imagination, so just keep adding cool things to your cardboard figure. Maybe some body armor, or a scythe or sword! Just for inspiration, I added a cape and used some Sharpie to draw cool symbols on it.

All done! If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment. And don’t forget to give a like! Cya later!