Carlson's Super Probe

Hi everyone, recently i made the "Carlson Super Probe" and i'd like to share with you how to do this!
First of all, listen Paul's video. You will see why you should build this probe, how sensitive that is. Also if you like electronic you should see Mr Carlson patreon page here: and maybe support him.
So let's begins!

Here are the schematics. Those are exactly the same you saw in the Mr Carlson's lab video. If you find something different, just tell me.
The LM4871 support from 3 ohm to 8 ohm. My speaker is 4 ohm and the volume is quite good. If your are using a 8 ohm speaker and for some reason the volume isn't strong enough, try a 4 ohm speaker.
Doing the Probe

For the probe shell, i used copper. Go to hardware store and buy those pieces. The pipe size is 3/4 inches.
Electronics Parts

You will need some specific part. This are the digikey part number. All capacitors and resistors are normal 0805 except for C2 and C5. those one are tantalum 1206.
I did a downloadable cart. To using it, go to digikey, cart and upload the csv file.
Probe Parts:
The little switch:
CKN9559-ND OS102011MA1QN1 x1
Pot 100k
CT6EX104-ND CT6EX104 x1
capacitor 1206 22uf x 3
capacitor 4.7uf 0805 x 2
capacitor 360pf 0805 x 1
diode x1
Transistor 3904 sot23 x 6
Light bulb (optional) to put on supply vr. See Video 42:00 min
CM683-ND x 1
.01uf 50v 0805 x 3
.1uf 50v 0805 x 2
Led LED BLUE 2.9mm x 1 Note: any led can do
Resistor 3.3M 0805 x 5
Resistor 1k 0805 x 4
Resistor 15k 0805 x3
Resistor 2.7k 0805 x 1
Resistor 330k 0805 x 1
Resistor 10k 0805 x 1
Amplifier Parts:
1uf 0805 x 1
capacitor 1206 22uf x 2
capacitor .01uf x1
capacitor 4.7uf 0805 x 2
Here are pot without switch. It's very cheaper.
Pot 4.7k x1 (i choose 5k)
Pot 2k x1
resistor 22k x3
Resistor 1k 0805 x 1
resistor 68k x1
resistor 100 0805 x1
Transistor 3904 sot23 x 1
Amplifier chip x 1
toggle switch on/off
Probe PCB

To do the pcb, just print and etch the carlson probe.pdf. Refer to the component location to solder the part. You do not need to etch a double side pcb. The bottom side is ground, except for swtich, led and one pin of the pot. Refer to the probe bottom picture.
Make Encavure

Make an encavure and solder the pcb right in the middle. Try and adjust the size of pcb to fit in the pipe.
Install Wire

Here i'm using a mouse cable. You can use a headphone or mic cable if you like. Keep in mind that the probe will move very often. So use an appropriate cable. You will have 3 wire coming out from this Probe. Supply, Gnd and audio.
Put the Probe in a Shell

For now i used black tape. But i'l probably put a little machine screw or a bit of solder.
Probe Amplifier.

The pcb is single side. You can refer to the picture as per component location. Another picture is also available below in gerber section.
Amplifier in a Box Plus Holder

Choose an appropriate box. I took an old power supply box and some paint.
This is the whole project at the end. The speaker is where the psu fan was. The probe itself is very sensitive and a must to have it. I hope you will enjoy the project. See you!
Gerber File.

In addition, these are gerber file. You can upload those files to a pcb manufacturer. You can see the future result here: Online viewer by uploading the file.
Those picture can be use as component location.