Carpet Freshener

This is the perfect way to make your carpet smell good. Make your own natural freshener for very little cost and if you have a pet this is perfect!

Doterra essential oil lemon(10drops)
1cup baking soda
1cup baking soda

So here's the easy part to this project, drumroll please...mixing!
All you have to do is combine the oil and the baking soda together in a container.
All you have to do is combine the oil and the baking soda together in a container.
Applying and Cleaning Up

To apply the powder you have just made, sprinkle it onto the carpet in every nook and cranny and then rub it into the fibers of your carpet and let it sit for 10 minutes and then vacuum it up.
Where to Get Your Own Lemon Oil

Please look at the picture above (or below)!