Catch! and Now?

by Fernando Koyanagi in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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Catch! and Now?

Travou! E agora?

One subject that I consider very important is Watchdog, a word that, translated into Portuguese, means "guard dog". There is a problem that affects many microcontrollable circuits that is the fact that they stop, for many reasons. The Watchdog, therefore, is a device independent of the microcontroller that, in case of "freezing", will restart the system. In this video we will then implement a Watchdog in ESP32 using timeout and create an example to simulate a crash and trigger the device.


What to do if your program hangs in the middle of an execution and gets "frozen"?

How to restart ESP32 without having to go there and hit the physical button?

To do this we use Watchdog, a watchdog that watches to see if your program has crashed and, if this happens, it tries to restart it automatically.

But, How Does Watchdog Work?

Imagine that you have a dog that needs to eat from time to time to not start barking. Then you feed it a certain frequency to keep it in the normal state.

This is how the Watchdog works, it keeps waiting to be "fed" (a sign that everything is OK). If time has passed and no signal has been received, it restarts the MCU.

Implementing a Watchdog

We will implement the Watchdog in ESP32 using a timeout. For this we will set a timer to trigger a signal and trigger a callback function (where we will have the command to restart the ESP32), in case your counter extrapolate the time limit set.

You can not use a micro-controlled professional circuit without using the Watchdog because it prevents the system from being stopped in the event of a lock. So, this procedure is superimportant in countless situations.

Interruption by Time

We will use the following commands to configure and manipulate our timer.

hw_timer_t *timer = NULL; //faz o controle do temporizador (interrupção por tempo)

//timerID 0, div 80 (clock do esp), contador progressivo
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true);

//instancia de timer, função callback, interrupção de borda
timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &resetModule, true);

// instancia de timer, tempo (us),3.000.000 us = 3 segundos , repetição
timerAlarmWrite(timer, 3000000, true);

timerAlarmEnable(timer); //habilita a interrupção

timerWrite(timer, 0); //reseta o temporizador (alimenta o watchdog) zera o contador






Our program will work as follows: let's set up an interrupt by time for 3 seconds. In the Loop function, at each iteration, we reset our timer. We will have a button to simulate a program crash. While it is pressed, the timer will not be reset, thereby causing the interrupt to be triggered and the function with the command to restart the ESP to be executed by extrapolating the preset time limit.


Here we determine a button pin to simulate a lock. Another pin will light the red LED every time the ESP32 restarts. The control is done by a timer.

const int pinButton = 2; //pino do botão para simular um travamento
const int redLed = 23; //pino do led const int greenLed = 4; //esse led acenderá toda vez que o ESP32 reiniciar hw_timer_t *timer = NULL; //faz o controle do temporizador (interrupção por tempo)


We initialize the pins and configure the timers. Next, we enable the interrupt and put the green LED to blink indicating that the program has restarted.

void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("running setup"); pinMode(pinButton, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(redLed , OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLed , OUTPUT); delay(500); //hw_timer_t * timerBegin(uint8_t num, uint16_t divider, bool countUp) /* num: é a ordem do temporizador. Podemos ter quatro temporizadores, então a ordem pode ser [0,1,2,3]. divider: É um prescaler (reduz a frequencia por fator). Para fazer um agendador de um segundo, usaremos o divider como 80 (clock principal do ESP32 é 80MHz). Cada instante será T = 1/(80) = 1us countUp: True o contador será progressivo */ timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); //timerID 0, div 80 //timer, callback, interrupção de borda timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &resetModule, true); //timer, tempo (us), repetição timerAlarmWrite(timer, 3000000, true); timerAlarmEnable(timer); //habilita a interrupção digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW); }


void loop() {
    timerWrite(timer, 0); //reseta o temporizador (alimenta o watchdog) 
    long tme = millis(); //tempo inicial do loop
    //fica preso no loop enquanto o botão estiver pressionado
        Serial.println("botão pressionado: "+String(millis() - tme));
        digitalWrite(redLed, HIGH); //acende o led vermelho
//        timerWrite(timer, 0); //se fizer esse reset no temporizador, o watchdog não será acionado
    Serial.print("tempo passado dentro do loop (ms) = ");
    tme = millis() - tme; //calcula o tempo (atual - inicial)
    //desliga o led vermelho
    digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);


Here is the function the timer will call to restart ESP32. We print the log and execute the command to restart the chip.

//função que o temporizador irá chamar, para reiniciar o ESP32
void IRAM_ATTR resetModule(){ ets_printf("(watchdog) reiniciar\n"); //imprime no log esp_restart_noos(); //reinicia o chip }



Holding the button for 3 seconds or more, the timer has not been reset.

Soon, Watchdog goes into action, restarting ESP.

Adding Watchdog on ESP32 LoRa


It's important that you watch this video and understand the source code I used in it. That's because, from there, you'll include the Watchdog part in this same code.

ESP32 LoRa Super WiFi Long Distance with Arduino IDE

Adding Watchdog on ESP32 LoRa

To implement the Watchdog in this project we will make few changes as we will see below.

In the LoRaSendReceiveBME280.ino file, add the following snippet of code anywhere in the file.

//faz o controle do temporizador (interrupção por tempo)
hw_timer_t *timer = NULL; //função que o temporizador irá chamar, para reiniciar o ESP32 void IRAM_ATTR resetModule(){ ets_printf("(watchdog) reiniciar\n"); //imprime no log esp_restart_noos(); //reinicia o chip } //função que o configura o temporizador void configureWatchdog() { timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); //timerID 0, div 80 //timer, callback, interrupção de borda timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &resetModule, true); //timer, tempo (us), repetição timerAlarmWrite(timer, 5000000, true); timerAlarmEnable(timer); //habilita a interrupção //enable interrupt }

In the other files Master.ino and Slave.ino we have two lines to add, one in the Setup and another in the Loop.

void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); configureWatchdog(); ..... } void loop(){ //reseta o temporizador (alimenta o watchdog) timerWrite(timer, 0); ..... }

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