Ceramic? Paper!

In my country, serpentine paper (used at parties) is mainly used in carnival. Once I find it a great waste, I decided to do something more useful with this.
The good thing of the ceramic paper is if you have children at home! This ceramics is unbreakable, proof of destroyers!
Here, learning to make a pot with lid, but the possibilities is immense! Just use your imagination....
PVA glue
Serpentine paper (Coil paper)
A flat surface (easier to roll)
Let’s do it!
Roll and Roll

Get a roll of serpentine.
Look for the inner tip.
Try to roll the fairest possible. (see picture).
Holding the center with your index finger and the thumb on the opposite side, rotate the roller with the other hand (thumb and forefinger). This will cause the roll becomes increasingly tight.
You can also gently pull the strip outside and you'll hear a noise. This noise means that the coil is getting tighter. Do not worry if this operation to strip breakage makes sure that the roller is tight and glue the broken tip. Continue rolling until the end of roll serpentine.
If all goes well, you have a small roll as in a picture.
Get another roll of serpentine. Place the little roll inside the second roll of serpentine (see the picture). Caution with the position in which a roller is inside the other, since we continue rolling, tips should be in a continuing position. Glue one end to the other and continue to roll.

When the second roll end, separate a third roll, but now glue the outer edge in the tip end of the roll.
Keep rolling. Tighten all the time
How much Serpentine you will get rolling?
Depends on the diameter of your piece.
The pot we're doing is 10 cm in diameter and I used five rolls to make the base of this.
OK. After roll the five rolls of serpentine, you must have a roll plane as shown in picture
Is important that the roller is tight because then the base pot will not lose shape to be high.
OK! With this piece, we can do something. So let's do this!

Hold the plate in his hand. Note that if you press with your fingers, the plate moves and deforms. thus, it is now only shape the piece with caution. Do it slow, create a concave shape with 5-7 cm. Congratulations! Now you probably already have a beautiful piece.
Well, from here we have two options: continue to make the remainder of the pot (top and lid) or stop here.
I will continue, but it is not your case, read the instructions to the end to know how to do become rigid your pot.
Part II

Ok. Part II
Using the same technique, do a roll with a hole in the center.
to facilitate, get a lid with a diameter of 3-5 cm and roll the Serpentine around. Do not forget that you must go tightening all the time. Roll the Serpentine until nearly the diameter of the base (see the picture). Once completed, modeling this part. Slightly raise the inside so that the cap is in place when placed.
The cover must be made as the basis, but stop rolling when the diameter is slightly larger than the hole of the second part. Do model this also (see the picture).

Part III
Let´s finish!
Mix water and glue in equal proportion
“Paint” all pieces with this mixture.
Avoid paint only the top of the first part (about 1 cm). (this part will be used to adjust and hold the pieces)
as well it is almost dry, paste the part I and part II, adjust adjust the edge of part I over the part II, repaint the piece with the mix of glue and water.
It is the end (or not)
“Additional paintings and decorations are permitted”
Enjoy yourself!
I Can't Buy, I Need Win...

I wondering how would be if I have the Epilog Machine...
I engrave a piece by hand and look the result!!!
Do you imagine this if I was make with Epilog????

More sugestions....