Infrared Cloning.

Chapter 1:
We will be using Arduino and IR technology to clone the signal from every remote. It is easy, simple, and uses just two devices (one Arduino and one IR receiver). As you might know, infrared communication consists of lights on and lights off sequences from an IR led. Finally, that sequence will represent 0 and 1 to define an action in the logic of the controlled device. So let's get started.
Getting the Stuff

We will be needing an Arduino Uno and an IR receiver (integrated). Usually, you can buy the receptor in a combo with cables and a remote. Is cheap and you will always find a use for the remote if you are into Arduino.
I have been testing this mostly with Arduino Uno but it also works with Nano. And it should work with all Arduino.

IR Receiver (pins) -> Arduino (pins)
V+ -> +5v
Signal -> Digital Pin 2
As you can see above, the positive pin of the receiver connects to the 5-volt slot of the Arduino, Ground from the receiver goes to ground Arduino. And finally signal pin from the receiver goes to digital pin 2 of the Arduino board. In the images, you can see the connection with an Arduino Uno and with Arduino Nano.
The Sketch
Download the sketch compile and upload it to the Arduino board. Once is installed open the serial monitor.
The result:
The program will ask in a loop to press once the ir-signal you want to clone.
Press the button on the remote now - once only
Press the button on the remote now - once only
Once you press the button of the ir remote. The signal will be printed in an array form also misplaying the array count -> Raw: (x).
Notice that when you press any ir remote in front of the receiver, a led in the little board of the receiver will blink.
Raw: (71) 860, 820, 860, 824, 1716, 828, 860, 820, 860, 820, 864, 820, 860, 824, 860, 1644, 1716, 824, 864, 820, 860, 820, 864, 19968, 864, 820, 860, 820, 1720, 824, 864, 820, 860, 824, 860, 820, 864, 820, 860, 1644, 1720, 824, 860, 820, 864, 820, 860, 19984, 860, 820, 864, 820, 1716, 828, 860, 820, 864, 820, 860, 824, 860, 820, 864, 1668, 1692, 824, 864, 820, 864, 820, 860,
Once you have this information in a form of an array. You cloned the information necessary to send a signal and perform the same task as the button you pressed.
In the next chapter, I will show you how to process this information to send an IR signal with an Arduino and a simple ir led !!!
Please bear in mind that the baud rate is set for 115200, so to see the output in the serial monitor you will have to set the serial monitor as well.