Charcoal Crayon Blanket Art

Hello everyone! I am here to share a past art I made using black and white charcoal crayon

-charcoal paper (or any kind of thicker paper than typical drawing paper)
-charcoal pencil
-black, white, grey, or any other darker shade of crayons
Referencing Photo

-find a referencing photo and edit the color to dramatic so the referencing photo will have more black and white shade and it will be easier to reference the color of the picture when drawing. (the original referencing photo was lost)
Sketch Out and Outline the Shape
-sketch out/outline the shape of whatever your drawing using the charcoal pencil on the charcoal paper

-watch out for the details in the referencing photo and use black, white, and grey crayons to shade the shape out. (this is the longest part of the project, be patient!) repeat for all part of your drawing.
Add Background

-darken the background of your art to make what you drew in black and white crayon pop! and that is it :D