Cheap Simple Fish Trap

by wmusser in Outside > Fishing

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Cheap Simple Fish Trap

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Simple cheap fish trap. $10 total and can be customized to your specifications. With the amount of screen you could make about 5-6 of these for $10!

The second picture is what I caught over night on my first try! 7 minnow and 2 crawdads.

Basic Shaping

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Materials needed:

Screen (cost me $9 at Lowes for a HUGE roll, I have a lot left over)

Hot Glue gun


(Maybe gloves for protection against the screen, it can be pokey)

That's it!

Cut out a big piece of screen for the project, whatever size you like. Take the sheet of screen and fold it in half but not making a crease in the bent part, keep it rounded. Next is to take the end and fold them over on themselves like in the forth and fifth picture.

Folding Again...

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Take the part you just folded and fold it a second time. This insures the fold will stay right and together. Next hot glue the fold so it stays in place. The hot glue does a good job of seeping through the layers of the screen to hold it all together.

Making a Cylinder

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Bend the screen to make a cylinder (after the glue hardens) to complete the main structure.

Making the Cones

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The cones are made to trick the fish to stay inside the trap. Take the outside of the screen and fold it in on itself (photo 1) then taking the screen and bending the part that is put inside into cone shapes leaving a hole (whatever size you want depending on the fish you're catching) for the fish to enter. Hot glue the folds while making the cone.

Making a Door to Place Bait and Remove Fish

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The first image is the finished product before the door. I cut a door with scissors for placing bait or removing your catch. (you can cut it whatever size you desire)

After cutting the door I hot glued a couple screen pieces (picture 2) to hold the door closed while in use.

picture 4 is the completed product.

Doesn't have to look pretty, mine doesn't, it just has to do its job!