Chewy Chocolatte Ball

Some people might throw away dry rice or rice crust that sticks to the inside of the pot or rice cooker. Because it is considered dry rice, the rice crust is also not delicious, so it is often thrown away. If you are one of them, you should stop the habit of throwing dry rice in your rice cooker. Dry rice that is prepared properly can be a delicious, filling snack. In this instructable I am going to show you how I made the Chewy Chocolatte Ball from dry cooked rice.
- 1/2 cup of dry cooked rice
- 1 egg
- 1 sachet of chocolatte drink powder
- 1 cup of tapioca flour
- Margarine
- 2 sachet of chocolatte condensed milk
- Frying oil
- Blender
- Bowl
- Frying pan
- Spatula
Mixing Rice, Egg and Choco Powder

Start by grind the dry rice, egg and chocolatte powder using a blender.
Making Small Ball

Pour the mixture into a bowl, add the tapioca flour, mix well. Then, add 2 tbsp of margarine, mix well. After that turn the paste into a small ball shape.
Frying the Choco Balls

Pour frying oil into a pan, put the chocolatte ball in it and then turn on the stove on low heat. Fry until the ball herdened.
Coating the Choco Balls

Add 2 tbsp of margarine into the frying pan, add 2 sachet of chocolatte condensed milk. Stir the mixture until it get stickier. Add the chocolatte balls into the chocolatte mixture, mix well. Wait until cold, then the Chewy Chocolatte Ball ready to be served.