Chocolate Squares With Cranberries & Pecans! a Tasty Food Gift!
by SophiesFoodieFiles in Cooking > Dessert
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Chocolate Squares With Cranberries & Pecans! a Tasty Food Gift!

Recipe: For about 25 pieces
208 gr dark chocolate, broken into pieces/ I used Callebaut chocolate.
50 gr dried cranberries
25 gr pecan halves, broken into pieces
1. Take a cooking pot, not to large & fill the bottom with hot water. Bring to the boil.
2. Take a metallic bowl & put it on the cooking pot. The bowl has to fit the pot.
3. Place the chocolate pieces in this bowl & let it completely melt. The water mustn’t touch the bowl. This is called: au bain – marie.
4. Take a bowl & add the dried cranberries. Add the pecans.
5. When the chocolate is melted, turn off the heat. Take the metallic bowl from the cooking pot. Remove it with a cloth because otherwise you will burn yourself!
6. Add the melted chocolate to the fruit & nut mix.
7. Stir with a spoon.
8. Pour this stuf on a large sheet of baking paper.Spread it out with a palet knife to even layers.
9. Put this sheet in the deep freeze for about 5 to 8 minutes on -18 ° C.
10. After that time, take it out of the deep freeze. It will be hard now. Now, you can cut in almost square sizes.
11. Put them in colourful muffin cases & eat some with a cup of coffee. Or store them in the muffin cases in an air tight box in a cool place, but not the fridge! Enjoy!
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