Chulengo (sudaca's BBQ)
by rimar2000 in Workshop > Metalworking
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Chulengo (sudaca's BBQ)
Desde que me mudé a mi casa actual en 1998, usé para las "grandes ocasiones" una parrilla convencional, con techo de ferrocemento en forma de campana, y parrilla que sube y baja colgando de un par de cadenas. Los días ventosos o muy fríos me veía obligado a tapar la carne con bandejas o papeles, para que se cocine más o menos pareja. Como promedio, estimaba en una hora y media el tiempo total, desde que encendía el fuego hasta que la comida estaba sobre la mesa.
Hace dos años mi hijo se compró un "chulengo", y me sorprendió la rapidez con la que hace el asado, y lo bien que le sale. Por lo tanto decidí construirme uno, y acá va la historia de cómo lo hice.
Since I moved to my current home in 1998, I used for "special occasions" a conventional grill, ferro-roofed bell-shaped, and grill up and down hanging from a pair of chains. The very cold or windy days I was obliged to cover the meat with trays or papers, so it cooks more or less even. On average, estimated at one and half hours total time since I started the fire until the food is on the table.
Two years ago my son bought a "chulengo", and I was surprised how quickly it does the roast, and how well it goes. So I decided to build one, and here's the story of how I did.
Hace dos años mi hijo se compró un "chulengo", y me sorprendió la rapidez con la que hace el asado, y lo bien que le sale. Por lo tanto decidí construirme uno, y acá va la historia de cómo lo hice.
Since I moved to my current home in 1998, I used for "special occasions" a conventional grill, ferro-roofed bell-shaped, and grill up and down hanging from a pair of chains. The very cold or windy days I was obliged to cover the meat with trays or papers, so it cooks more or less even. On average, estimated at one and half hours total time since I started the fire until the food is on the table.
Two years ago my son bought a "chulengo", and I was surprised how quickly it does the roast, and how well it goes. So I decided to build one, and here's the story of how I did.
Materiales (materials)
![Tambores vacios.jpg](/proxy/?url= vacios.jpg)
Compré en 50 pesos (unos 10 U$S) un tambor vacío de aceite automotor, de 200 litros. Lo cargué en el portaequipaje del auto sin ningún inconveniente, porque es liviano. Recuperé de él algo más de 250 cc de aceite SAE 20-40 que conservo para usarlo como lubricante ocasional.
Compré también algunos metros de hierro L de 3"/4 x 1"/8. Posteriormente también compré pintura de aluminio para alta temperatura, dos retazos de alambre tramado ornamental y 1 Kg de electrodos de 2.5 mm para soldadura. Las demás cosas las tenía en casa, ya he contado que soy de esas personas que no tiran a la basura ni la pelusa del ombligo.
I bought for 50 pesos (about 10 U$S) an empty drum of motor oil, 200 liters. I loaded it in the trunk of the car without any problem, because it is lightweight. I recovered from it more than 250 cc of SAE 20-40 oil that I keep for use occasionally as a lubricant.
Also bought a few meters of 3"/4 x 1"/8 L iron. Later I also bought aluminum paint for high temperature, two pieces of woven ornamental wire and 1 kg of 2.5 mm electrodes for welding. The rest I had at home, I have already told I'm that these people do not throw away even navel lint.
Compré también algunos metros de hierro L de 3"/4 x 1"/8. Posteriormente también compré pintura de aluminio para alta temperatura, dos retazos de alambre tramado ornamental y 1 Kg de electrodos de 2.5 mm para soldadura. Las demás cosas las tenía en casa, ya he contado que soy de esas personas que no tiran a la basura ni la pelusa del ombligo.
I bought for 50 pesos (about 10 U$S) an empty drum of motor oil, 200 liters. I loaded it in the trunk of the car without any problem, because it is lightweight. I recovered from it more than 250 cc of SAE 20-40 oil that I keep for use occasionally as a lubricant.
Also bought a few meters of 3"/4 x 1"/8 L iron. Later I also bought aluminum paint for high temperature, two pieces of woven ornamental wire and 1 kg of 2.5 mm electrodes for welding. The rest I had at home, I have already told I'm that these people do not throw away even navel lint.
El Chasis (the Chassis)
Hice primeramente un bastidor rectangular de 0.50 x 1,50 m con el hierro L, al cual le soldé en el medio dos travesaños que encerraran a modo de cuna el tambor vacío. A este bastidor le soldé las cuatro patas, tratando de que quedaran verticales. A dos de las patas de un extremo les soldé en las puntas sendos refuerzos de hierro plano de 3"/16 x 1", a los cuales atornillé las ruedas que pertenecieron a una cortadora de pasto y que alguien tuvo la buena idea de tirar a la basura cerca de mi casa. A las otras dos patas les soldé unas zapatas pequeñas, para evitar que se claven en la tierra. Uní las cuatro patas con un rectángulo de refuerzo hecho del mismo hierro L.
A esa altura me percaté de que las patas eran unos centímetros más largas de lo que convenía, y aproveché la oportunidad para hacerlas extensibles, cortándolas más o menos a media altura y haciéndoles unas pequeñas prensas a tornillo para poder variarles la longitud. Haciendo esa tarea fue que se me trabó el disco de la amoladora y me hice un feo tajo en la mano derecha . El accidente me tuvo alejado del taller dos días.
I made first a rectangular frame 0.50 x 1.50 m with the L iron, which soldered in the middle two beams that locked up as a cradle the empty drum. In this frame soldered four legs, trying to stay upright. Two of the legs of one end soldered them two separate flat iron reinforcements 3"/16 x 1", which screwed the wheels that belonged to a lawn mower and that someone had the bright idea of shooting the garbage near my house. In the other two legs soldered small lugs, to prevent dig into the ground. Joined all legs by a reinforcing rectangle made of the same L iron.
At that point I realized that the legs were a few inches longer than suited, and took the opportunity to make them extensible, cutting about halfway up and making a small screw press each to change its length. Doing this task was the cutting disc locked and I got a nasty gash on the right hand. The accident took me two days away from the workshop.
A esa altura me percaté de que las patas eran unos centímetros más largas de lo que convenía, y aproveché la oportunidad para hacerlas extensibles, cortándolas más o menos a media altura y haciéndoles unas pequeñas prensas a tornillo para poder variarles la longitud. Haciendo esa tarea fue que se me trabó el disco de la amoladora y me hice un feo tajo en la mano derecha . El accidente me tuvo alejado del taller dos días.
I made first a rectangular frame 0.50 x 1.50 m with the L iron, which soldered in the middle two beams that locked up as a cradle the empty drum. In this frame soldered four legs, trying to stay upright. Two of the legs of one end soldered them two separate flat iron reinforcements 3"/16 x 1", which screwed the wheels that belonged to a lawn mower and that someone had the bright idea of shooting the garbage near my house. In the other two legs soldered small lugs, to prevent dig into the ground. Joined all legs by a reinforcing rectangle made of the same L iron.
At that point I realized that the legs were a few inches longer than suited, and took the opportunity to make them extensible, cutting about halfway up and making a small screw press each to change its length. Doing this task was the cutting disc locked and I got a nasty gash on the right hand. The accident took me two days away from the workshop.
Cortando El Tambor (cutting the Drum)
Había muchas maneras de cortar el tambor, yo elegí la más sencilla. Puse el tambor en su cuna, dibujé con un fibrón indeleble la tapa que me proponía hacerle, y luego de imaginarla en uso y sin problemas, la corté con la amoladora. La cercanía del accidente me hizo extremar las precauciones, y el temor me hacía apretar los dientes. "El miedo no es zonzo".
There are many ways to cut the drum, I chose the simplest. I put the drum in its craddle, I drew an indelible marker the lid I intended to do, imagine it in use and smoothly, and then cut it with the grinder. The proximity of the accident made me to extreme caution, and fear made me grit my teeth. "Fear is not silly."
There are many ways to cut the drum, I chose the simplest. I put the drum in its craddle, I drew an indelible marker the lid I intended to do, imagine it in use and smoothly, and then cut it with the grinder. The proximity of the accident made me to extreme caution, and fear made me grit my teeth. "Fear is not silly."
La Tapa (the Lid)
Se me ocurrió que era necesario hacerle a la tapa un labio alrededor, como hice en su momento con la puerta de la salamandra, pero ahora usando una chapa mucho más delgada, dado que las temperaturas a soportar son mucho más bajas. Por suerte hallé en el altillo unas tiras de chapa galvanizada que yo había recogido de la calle hace unos años. Las fijé a la tapa con remaches POP.
I thinked that it was necessary to make a lip around the lid, as I did with the door of the salamander but now using a much thinner sheet because the temperatures to bear are much lower. Luckily I found in the attic some galvanized strips that I had collected from the street a few years ago. Attached them at the lid with POP rivets.
I thinked that it was necessary to make a lip around the lid, as I did with the door of the salamander but now using a much thinner sheet because the temperatures to bear are much lower. Luckily I found in the attic some galvanized strips that I had collected from the street a few years ago. Attached them at the lid with POP rivets.
Las Bisagras (the Hinges)
Fui a dos ferreterías a comprar las bisagras, y ninguna de las que tenían me gustaron. Así que las hice con unos trozos de varilla plana de 3"/4 x 1"/8. Usé remaches de hierro de 5 mm de diámetro, porque pensé que los POP no iban a durar mucho. Las fijé con remaches POP, primero a la tapa y luego al cuerpo del tambor.
I went to two hardware stores to buy the hinges, and any that had looked good. So I got with a flat stick pieces of 3"/4 x 1"/8. I used iron rivets of 5 mm in diameter, because I thought that POP would not last long. Attached it with POP rivets, first to the lid and then to the body of the drum.
I went to two hardware stores to buy the hinges, and any that had looked good. So I got with a flat stick pieces of 3"/4 x 1"/8. I used iron rivets of 5 mm in diameter, because I thought that POP would not last long. Attached it with POP rivets, first to the lid and then to the body of the drum.
La Mesa Plegadiza (folding Table)
Corté uno de los extremos del chasis, el que a partir de ese momento designé como lado derecho, y le soldé dos bisagras pequeñas hechas con varilla plana de 1"/2 x 1"/8, también articuladas con remaches de hierro de 5 mm de diámetro. Para mantener la mesa horizontal pensé usar cadenitas, o cables de freno de bicicleta, o un puntal, pero finalmente me decidí por hacer dos ménsulas triangulares con hierro redondo de 8 mm. Las fijé al chassis con arandelas, de manera que puedan girar sobre un eje vertical, y al abrirse sirvan de soporte a la parte plegadiza. Compré dos tablas de madera dura y las atornillé en esta. Con cola vinílica agregué dos topes de madera para que las ménsulas queden fácilmente en posición correcta.
I cut one end from the frame, which from that time I appointed as right side, and soldered two small hinges made with flat rod 1"/2 x 1"/8, also articulated with iron rivets of 5 mm in diameter. To keep horizontal the table I thought use chains, or bicycle brake cables, or a prop, but finally I decided to make two triangular brackets with 8 mm iron rods. Welded them to the chassis with washers, so that they can rotate about a vertical axis and serve as supports to the folding part when open. I bought two hard wooden boards and screwed on this. With white glue added two wooden stops for the brackets are easily put in place.
I cut one end from the frame, which from that time I appointed as right side, and soldered two small hinges made with flat rod 1"/2 x 1"/8, also articulated with iron rivets of 5 mm in diameter. To keep horizontal the table I thought use chains, or bicycle brake cables, or a prop, but finally I decided to make two triangular brackets with 8 mm iron rods. Welded them to the chassis with washers, so that they can rotate about a vertical axis and serve as supports to the folding part when open. I bought two hard wooden boards and screwed on this. With white glue added two wooden stops for the brackets are easily put in place.
El Ca�o Principal (main Tube)
Es el caño del cual colgará luego la parrilla.
Usé uno de los agujeros que traía el tambor en la tapa, el más chico, para servir de buje al caño que iba a soportar la parrilla. Como el agujero venía con rosca hecha, atornillé fuertemente un trozo de caño viejo que quedó como buje en el extremo izquierdo.
En el extremo derecho hice un agujero en forma de estrella para poder fijar el otro buje. Para asegurarme de que ambos bujes queden alineados, los monté en posición con el caño puesto en su lugar. Puse tres pestañas de hierro plano distribuidas más o menos regularmente alrededor del buje, agarradas con remaches POP a la chapa, y luego las soldé al buje.
El agujero más grande que traía el tambor quedó de esta manera hacia abajo, lo cual viene muy bien para que sirva de toma de aire fresco para cuando esté la tapa totalmente cerrada.
It is the pipe which then hang the grill.
I used one of the holes that brought the drum at the top, the smaller, to serve as a hub to the pipe that was to support the grid. As the hole had been made with thread, tightly screwed a piece of old pipe that was as bush on the left side.
On the right side made a star-shaped hole to secure the other hub. To make sure that both hubs are aligned, mounted them in position with the tube put in place. I put three flat iron tabs, more or less evenly distributed around the bush, POP riveted to the plate, and then soldered to the bush.
In this way, the larger hole brought in the drum top was down, which comes in handy to serve as fresh air intake when the lid fully closed.
Usé uno de los agujeros que traía el tambor en la tapa, el más chico, para servir de buje al caño que iba a soportar la parrilla. Como el agujero venía con rosca hecha, atornillé fuertemente un trozo de caño viejo que quedó como buje en el extremo izquierdo.
En el extremo derecho hice un agujero en forma de estrella para poder fijar el otro buje. Para asegurarme de que ambos bujes queden alineados, los monté en posición con el caño puesto en su lugar. Puse tres pestañas de hierro plano distribuidas más o menos regularmente alrededor del buje, agarradas con remaches POP a la chapa, y luego las soldé al buje.
El agujero más grande que traía el tambor quedó de esta manera hacia abajo, lo cual viene muy bien para que sirva de toma de aire fresco para cuando esté la tapa totalmente cerrada.
It is the pipe which then hang the grill.
I used one of the holes that brought the drum at the top, the smaller, to serve as a hub to the pipe that was to support the grid. As the hole had been made with thread, tightly screwed a piece of old pipe that was as bush on the left side.
On the right side made a star-shaped hole to secure the other hub. To make sure that both hubs are aligned, mounted them in position with the tube put in place. I put three flat iron tabs, more or less evenly distributed around the bush, POP riveted to the plate, and then soldered to the bush.
In this way, the larger hole brought in the drum top was down, which comes in handy to serve as fresh air intake when the lid fully closed.
La Bandeja Principal (main Tray)
Mi yerno me ofreció hace unos años un viejo termotanque en desuso, y obviamente lo acepté. Lo tuve dando vueltas en el fondo de mi casa hasta que me di cuenta de que era el donante ideal para obtener las chapas que necesitaba. Usé la chapa más exterior, que es la más delgada, pero suficientemente fuerte para lo que yo necesito. Doblé los extremos a 180 grados para darle un poco más de resistencia, y los laterales en forma de cuna adecuándolos al borde del tambor.
Averigüé precios de ladrillos refractarios, y luego de hacer cuentas me decidí por ladrillos comunes, de los de "media vista". Estos tienen un lado hecho a molde y el otro rugoso. Ideal para lo que yo necesito, y cuestan casi la décima parte de los otros.
My son-in-law gave me a few years ago an old disused water heater, and obviously I accepted. I had it running around in the back of my house until I realized it was the ideal donor for the plates I needed. I used the outermost sheet, which is the thinnest, but strong enough for what I need. I folded the ends to 180 degrees to give a little more resistance, and the sides crib shape to adapt it to the edge of the drum.
I checked prices for refractory bricks, and then I decided to settle accounts by ordinary bricks, "half view". These have a side mold-made and the other rough. Ideal for what I need, and cost about a tenth of the others.
Averigüé precios de ladrillos refractarios, y luego de hacer cuentas me decidí por ladrillos comunes, de los de "media vista". Estos tienen un lado hecho a molde y el otro rugoso. Ideal para lo que yo necesito, y cuestan casi la décima parte de los otros.
My son-in-law gave me a few years ago an old disused water heater, and obviously I accepted. I had it running around in the back of my house until I realized it was the ideal donor for the plates I needed. I used the outermost sheet, which is the thinnest, but strong enough for what I need. I folded the ends to 180 degrees to give a little more resistance, and the sides crib shape to adapt it to the edge of the drum.
I checked prices for refractory bricks, and then I decided to settle accounts by ordinary bricks, "half view". These have a side mold-made and the other rough. Ideal for what I need, and cost about a tenth of the others.
La Bandeja Para El Fuego (fire Tray)
Esta es mucho más chica, así que me dio mucho menos trabajo. La aseguré al chassis con remaches POP. También lleva una capa de ladrillos, pero además sobre estos va otra bandeja plana de chapa, porque el fuego es mucho más agresivo que las brasas. Es muy fácil cambiar cada tanto esa chapa.
This tray is much smaller, so it has taken a less work. Fastened it to the chassis with pop rivets. It also has a layer of bricks, but also over it there is a flat sheet tray, because the fire is much more aggressive than the coals. It is very easy to change that sheet occasionally.
This tray is much smaller, so it has taken a less work. Fastened it to the chassis with pop rivets. It also has a layer of bricks, but also over it there is a flat sheet tray, because the fire is much more aggressive than the coals. It is very easy to change that sheet occasionally.
La Parrilla (the Grill)
Asombrosamente, la parrilla que vengo usando desde 1998 tiene las medidas exactas que necesito para meterla dentro del tambor. Lo único que tuve que hacer fue limpiarla con el cepillo de acero y atornillarle las correderas.
Surprisingly, the grill I've used since 1998 has the exact dimensions I need to put it inside the drum. All I had to do was clean it with wire brush and screw the sliders.
Surprisingly, the grill I've used since 1998 has the exact dimensions I need to put it inside the drum. All I had to do was clean it with wire brush and screw the sliders.
Las Correderas (the Sliders)
Con hierro plano de 3"/4 x 1"/8 hice dos rieles que fijé con remaches POP a los extremos del tambor, y dos correderas que atornillé a la parrilla.
With flat iron 3"/4 x 1"/8 I made two rails and fixed them with pop rivets to the ends of the drum, and two sliding screwed on the grill.
With flat iron 3"/4 x 1"/8 I made two rails and fixed them with pop rivets to the ends of the drum, and two sliding screwed on the grill.
El Control De Altura De La Parrilla (the Height Control of the Grill)
Al principio pensé hacer el tradicional sistema de manivela y cric, pero luego me animé a hacer un reductor a base de tornillo y engranaje, y me salió bastante bien. Una vez verificado que funciona, atornillé al caño principal dos trozos de cadena, cuyos extremos soldé a las asas de la parrilla. Al girar el caño en un sentido la parrilla sube, y en el otro, baja.
At first I thought to make the traditional system of handle and crick, but then I decided to make a screw-gear based drive , and it came out pretty well. Once verified that it works, screwed to the main tube two pieces of chain, the ends soldered to the handles on the grid. By turning the tube clockwise the grill rise, and counterclockwise it goes down.
At first I thought to make the traditional system of handle and crick, but then I decided to make a screw-gear based drive , and it came out pretty well. Once verified that it works, screwed to the main tube two pieces of chain, the ends soldered to the handles on the grid. By turning the tube clockwise the grill rise, and counterclockwise it goes down.
La Manija Del Reductor (reductor's Handle)
Con la manija del reductor a tornillo yo veía dos posibilidades: si quedaba fija, iba a ser muy molesta sobresaliendo para un costado; si quedaba colgando, o sea plegada, iba a requerir usar ambas manos para operarla. Se me ocurrió una idea muy simple para superar el problema: una traba de quita y pon. Atravesé un tornillo en la chapa del tambor donde podía asegurarse la manija, le soldé alas a la tuerca y soldé una vuelta de tirabuzón a la cabeza del tornillo. Girando este 90 grados, el eje de la manija entra en el tirabuzón, y volviendo a girarlo 90 grados, el tirabuzón atrapa firmemente el eje, permitiendo manejar el mecanismo con una sola mano mientras está en uso.
With the handle of the screw gear I saw two possibilities: if it was fixed, would be uncomfortable sticking to one side, if left hanging or folded, would require using both hands to operate it. It occurred to me a very simple idea to overcome the problem: a removable brace. I went through a metal screw in the drum where the handle could be fixed, soldered wings to the nut and soldered a crossed corkscrew to the screw head. Rotating it 90 degrees, the axis of the handle enters the corkscrew, and returning to rotate 90 degrees, the corkscrew traps the shaft firmly, allowing to handle the mechanism with one hand while in use.
With the handle of the screw gear I saw two possibilities: if it was fixed, would be uncomfortable sticking to one side, if left hanging or folded, would require using both hands to operate it. It occurred to me a very simple idea to overcome the problem: a removable brace. I went through a metal screw in the drum where the handle could be fixed, soldered wings to the nut and soldered a crossed corkscrew to the screw head. Rotating it 90 degrees, the axis of the handle enters the corkscrew, and returning to rotate 90 degrees, the corkscrew traps the shaft firmly, allowing to handle the mechanism with one hand while in use.
El Asa De La Tapa (lid's Handle)
Me salió un poco grande, tal vez hubiera sido mejor que quedara menos sobresaliente. Se puede arreglar, pero con el uso veré si realmente es molesta o la puedo dejar así.
I got it a little big, it might have been better than now if less prominent. It can be fixed, but using it I'll see if is really annoying or I can stop so.
I got it a little big, it might have been better than now if less prominent. It can be fixed, but using it I'll see if is really annoying or I can stop so.
El Cesto-tolva Para El Fuego Y Las Brasas (basket-hopper to Make Embers)
Esto fue motivo de otro instructable, que se puede ver acá:
This was the subject of another instructable, you can see it here:
This was the subject of another instructable, you can see it here:
Las Bandejas Para La Le�a Y Utensilios (Wood and Utensils Trays)
Uní las patas entre sí a pocos centímetros sobre el suelo con otro rectángulo de hierro L. Esto le dio al chassis una solidez mucho mayor. Luego soldé a ambos rectángulos, el superior y el inferior, sendos trozos de alambre entrelazado ornamental, con lo cual me quedaron dos bandejas para apoyar cosas.
I joined together the legs a few inches above the ground with another rectangle of L iron. This gave the chassis a much greater strength. Then I soldered to the two rectangles, the upper and lower, two separate pieces of ornamental woven wire, which left me two trays to support things.
I joined together the legs a few inches above the ground with another rectangle of L iron. This gave the chassis a much greater strength. Then I soldered to the two rectangles, the upper and lower, two separate pieces of ornamental woven wire, which left me two trays to support things.
La Chimenea (chimney)
Compré en la ferretería un metro de caño de chapa galvanizada con su sombrerete, pero al día siguiente unos vecinos que se mudaron dejaron en el montón de basura frente a casa uno parecido, así que me lo traje y llevé el comprado para canjearlo por electrodos de soldar.
Para instalar la chimenea hice en la parte de arriba del tambor un agujero un poco más chico que el díametro del caño, le corté pestañas todo alrededor, las doblé hacia arriba, inserté el caño por afuera y lo aseguré con POPs. Posicioné la chimenea a la derecha, dado que las tomas de aire están a la izquierda.
I bought at the hardware store one meter galvanized pipe with bonnet, but the next day a neighbor who moved left in the pile of garbage in front of my house one like that, so I took it and carried the purchased for redemption by welding electrodes.
To install the chimney made on top of the drum a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the pipe, I cut tabs all around, folded them up, inserted the pipe on the outside and fixed it with POPs. Place the chimney on the right, as the air intakes are on the left.
Para instalar la chimenea hice en la parte de arriba del tambor un agujero un poco más chico que el díametro del caño, le corté pestañas todo alrededor, las doblé hacia arriba, inserté el caño por afuera y lo aseguré con POPs. Posicioné la chimenea a la derecha, dado que las tomas de aire están a la izquierda.
I bought at the hardware store one meter galvanized pipe with bonnet, but the next day a neighbor who moved left in the pile of garbage in front of my house one like that, so I took it and carried the purchased for redemption by welding electrodes.
To install the chimney made on top of the drum a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the pipe, I cut tabs all around, folded them up, inserted the pipe on the outside and fixed it with POPs. Place the chimney on the right, as the air intakes are on the left.
Los Calces Del Tambor (drum Shims)
Para evitar que el tambor se gire en su cuna inesperadamente, le hice cuatro muescas, una en cada ángulo del rectángulo que lo contiene. También tuve que abollar un poco las nervaduras que refuerzan el tambor.
To prevent the drum is rotated in its cradle unexpectedly, I made four notches, one at each corner of the rectangle that contains it. I also had to dent some ribs that reinforce the drum.
To prevent the drum is rotated in its cradle unexpectedly, I made four notches, one at each corner of the rectangle that contains it. I also had to dent some ribs that reinforce the drum.
Pasa Brasas (embers Pass)
Otro detalle superfluo pero que resulta cómodo es una ventanita para poder pasar las brasas al interior.
Another superfluous but comfortable detail is a little window to pass the coals into the drum.
Another superfluous but comfortable detail is a little window to pass the coals into the drum.
Pintura (paint)
Me lo hizo acordar steve5006 en su comentario de May 13, 2012. 5:29: Limpié con detergente el interior del tambor antes de pintarlo
Removí la pintura anaranjada del tambor, tapé con masilla epoxi algunos huecos que habían quedado, le di una mano de fosfatizante a todo el conjunto, pinté de negro el chassis y de color aluminio el tambor. Esto último tiene una razón funcional más que estética: el color negro es el más "transparente" al calor, tanto en un sentido como en el otro, y lo que yo necesito no es irradiarlo sino más bien retenerlo. Si en vez de color aluminio fuera plateado, sería mucho mejor. Usé pintura para alta temperatura.
La mesa recibió una mano de cera para pisos.
Antes de armar definitivamente todo, hice cuatro agujeros de 12 mm en la panza del tambor, por si entra agua de lluvia.
Remembered to me for steve5006 in his comment May 13, 2012. 5:29: Yes, I cleaned the inner of the drum with detergent before paint it.
I removed the orange drum paint, covered with epoxy putty some holes that were left, gave him a hand of phosphatizing to the whole, painted the chassis black and aluminum colored the drum. The latter is a functional rather than aesthetic reason: the black color is the most "transparent" to the heat, in one direction or the other, and what I need is not radiate but rather retain it. If instead of aluminum color was brilliant silver, would be much better. I used high heat paint.
The table got a coat of floor wax.
Before finally assembling everything, I made four 12 mm holes in the belly of the drum, just in case rain comes.
Removí la pintura anaranjada del tambor, tapé con masilla epoxi algunos huecos que habían quedado, le di una mano de fosfatizante a todo el conjunto, pinté de negro el chassis y de color aluminio el tambor. Esto último tiene una razón funcional más que estética: el color negro es el más "transparente" al calor, tanto en un sentido como en el otro, y lo que yo necesito no es irradiarlo sino más bien retenerlo. Si en vez de color aluminio fuera plateado, sería mucho mejor. Usé pintura para alta temperatura.
La mesa recibió una mano de cera para pisos.
Antes de armar definitivamente todo, hice cuatro agujeros de 12 mm en la panza del tambor, por si entra agua de lluvia.
Remembered to me for steve5006 in his comment May 13, 2012. 5:29: Yes, I cleaned the inner of the drum with detergent before paint it.
I removed the orange drum paint, covered with epoxy putty some holes that were left, gave him a hand of phosphatizing to the whole, painted the chassis black and aluminum colored the drum. The latter is a functional rather than aesthetic reason: the black color is the most "transparent" to the heat, in one direction or the other, and what I need is not radiate but rather retain it. If instead of aluminum color was brilliant silver, would be much better. I used high heat paint.
The table got a coat of floor wax.
Before finally assembling everything, I made four 12 mm holes in the belly of the drum, just in case rain comes.
Preparaci�n Para El Estreno (preparation for Premier)
Luego de dos o tres días de secado de la pintura, para terminar de eliminar cualquier olor a la misma prendí fuego a varias hojas de diario directamente bajo la parrilla y cerré el tambor. No sé si tal precaución era realmente necesaria. La pintura de la chimenea se "brotó", le salió una especie de salpullido, motivado seguramente por el aire o el agua que quedó debajo, porque al pintarla no le dediqué tanto cuidado como al resto.
After two or three days of drying the paint, to finish to eliminate any odor I set fire to several newspaper sheets directly under the grill and shut the drum. I do not know if that caution was really necessary. The painting of the chimney "gushed" it came a sort of rash, caused probably by air or water left underneath, because I don't devoted the paint as much care as the rest.
After two or three days of drying the paint, to finish to eliminate any odor I set fire to several newspaper sheets directly under the grill and shut the drum. I do not know if that caution was really necessary. The painting of the chimney "gushed" it came a sort of rash, caused probably by air or water left underneath, because I don't devoted the paint as much care as the rest.
Estreno Y Conclusi�n (release and Conclusions)
Llegado el gran día, sábado, salió todo mejor de lo que yo esperaba. La carne se cocinó mucho más rápido, en menos de una hora, quedó más sabrosa, más tierna, y como "bonus track" consumí menos carbón. El lunes a la noche vinieron a cenar mi hija, mi yerno y mi nietita y quisieron comprobar por sí mismos el funcionamiento del chulengo. Compramos carne y un morrón grande e hicimos otro asado. A mi hija se le ocurrió que sería interesante ver si se podía hacer pan, y amasó rápidamente dos hogazas, que salieron muy bien. Aproveché la presencia de mi yerno para pedirle que me tomara algunos cortos videos.
Acá está el resultado de la filmación.
Es una ventaja poder mover el chulengo de un lado a otro, eso me permite ubicarlo en un lugar donde me quede cómodo, debajo de la luz del patio para poder ver la parrilla sin tener que hacer contorsiones. Lo mismo cuando llueva, puedo ubicarlo bajo el alero de la casa para no mojarme.
Hoy compré un metro de cadena delgada, para mantener la tapa en posición más cómoda al abrirla. Pienso colocarla mañana, aunque tal vez la reemplace por un puntal con escalones.
El costo total del proyecto es difícil de estimar, pero no creo que supere los 35 dólares USA, además de varios días de trabajo. Si tuviera que hacer otro igual tardaría mucho menos, porque gran parte de la tardanza se debió a que fui haciendo cambios al diseño e improvisando sobre la marcha.
At the big day, Saturday, everything went better than I expected. The meat was cooked much faster, in less than an hour, was more flavorful, more tender, and as "bonus tracks" less coal consumed. On Monday night my daughter, my son-in-law and my granddaughter came to dinner and wanted to see for themselves chulengo operation. Buy meat and a large chili pepper and did another roast. My daughter thought it would be interesting to see if they could make bread, and quickly kneaded two loaves, which went very well. I took the presence of my son to ask me to take some short videos.
Here are the result of filming
It is an advantage can move the chulengo from side to side, this allows me to place it where I stayed comfortable, under the porch light to see the grill without having to do contortions. So when it rains, I can place it under the eaves of the house to avoid getting wet.
Today bought a thin chain, to keep the lid in more convenient position when open. I will place it tomorrow, though perhaps replace it with a strut with steps.
The total project cost is difficult to estimate, but it does not exceed 35 dollars, plus several days of work. If I had to make another similar, it would take much less time, because much of the delay was because I was making changes to the design and improvising on the fly.
Acá está el resultado de la filmación.
Es una ventaja poder mover el chulengo de un lado a otro, eso me permite ubicarlo en un lugar donde me quede cómodo, debajo de la luz del patio para poder ver la parrilla sin tener que hacer contorsiones. Lo mismo cuando llueva, puedo ubicarlo bajo el alero de la casa para no mojarme.
Hoy compré un metro de cadena delgada, para mantener la tapa en posición más cómoda al abrirla. Pienso colocarla mañana, aunque tal vez la reemplace por un puntal con escalones.
El costo total del proyecto es difícil de estimar, pero no creo que supere los 35 dólares USA, además de varios días de trabajo. Si tuviera que hacer otro igual tardaría mucho menos, porque gran parte de la tardanza se debió a que fui haciendo cambios al diseño e improvisando sobre la marcha.
At the big day, Saturday, everything went better than I expected. The meat was cooked much faster, in less than an hour, was more flavorful, more tender, and as "bonus tracks" less coal consumed. On Monday night my daughter, my son-in-law and my granddaughter came to dinner and wanted to see for themselves chulengo operation. Buy meat and a large chili pepper and did another roast. My daughter thought it would be interesting to see if they could make bread, and quickly kneaded two loaves, which went very well. I took the presence of my son to ask me to take some short videos.
Here are the result of filming
It is an advantage can move the chulengo from side to side, this allows me to place it where I stayed comfortable, under the porch light to see the grill without having to do contortions. So when it rains, I can place it under the eaves of the house to avoid getting wet.
Today bought a thin chain, to keep the lid in more convenient position when open. I will place it tomorrow, though perhaps replace it with a strut with steps.
The total project cost is difficult to estimate, but it does not exceed 35 dollars, plus several days of work. If I had to make another similar, it would take much less time, because much of the delay was because I was making changes to the design and improvising on the fly.