Clay Wall Hanging

This is a name decoration you can hang on your wall or the outside of your door.

You will need -
- Air dry clay
- Piece of ribbon
- Shape cutters
- Letter Stamps
- Super glue
- Stones, jewels, or other decorations.
- Small rubber band
- Paint or markers (optional)
Flatten Out Clay

Flatten the clay with your hands until it is big enough to cut out enough shapes for every letter of your name.
Cut Out Shapes

Use your shape cutters to cut out one shape for each letter of your name.
Line Up the Shapes

Line up the shapes in the order you want them. It can be fun to make patterns.
Stamp the Letters On

Use the letter stamps to make your name.
Add Decorations

Use stones, jewels, beads, or other decorations.
Cut Ribbon

Cut the ribbon, making sure to leave some extra room at both ends.
Make Hanger

Take the end of the ribbon and put it through the rubber band. Put some glue underneath the rubber band and fold the top part of the ribbon down onto the glue. The ribbon should now be wrapped around the rubber band with the rubber band ready to hang.
Glue Name Onto Ribbon

Use super glue to evenly space the letters onto the ribbon.
Cut Off Excess Ribbon

Cut off any excess ribbon from the bottom.
Lay Flat to Dry

Lay the project flat and allow it to air dry for a couple of days. After is it dry and hard you may choose to decorate it with paint or markers.