Clothespin Fairy

I was kind of floored that most of the clothespin fairy crafts I found had things like hot glue and cricut machines. It didn't seem super kid craft friendly. So a quick old school one.
Wooden clothespin
Silk flowers (really cheap fake poinsettia ones in the example)
Tacky glue
Ribbon scraps
Acorn cap (optional)

Take the flowers and leaves off the stems and pull off the plastic parts. (Some of those parts have neat shapes, you might want to save them.)
Fold a flower in half and glue it to the pin above the legs to make a skirt. (It make take a few flowers for a warm skirt!)

Spread out the leaves and put some glue in the middle. In this case, on either side of the hole! If you want to hang your fairy up, you can fold a piece of ribbon in half and add it to the glue, then stick the hole thing to the back of your fairy for wings.

While the glue dries, fold the yarn in half again and again, until it’s a little longer than the clothespin.
Tie a knot at the center of the yarn bundle. (This can be tricky, little fingers might need a grown-up’s help.)
Put a bunch of glue on the top of the clothespin’s head and squish the knot into it. You might need to hold it down a little.

If you want to add a hat, put glue in the acorn cap and put that on top of the knot. (It’s also easier to hold down this way!)

Decorate however you like!
Add more leaves or flowers, bows, draw on a face or shoes…
...and of course, glitter always seems appropriate for fairies :)