Cocktail Machine With GUI Raspberry

by Thomas sxt in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Cocktail Machine With GUI Raspberry


You like technology and party ? This project is made for you !

In this tutorial we will create an automated cocktail machine with an graphic interface.

Everything controlled by the raspberry !

EDIT : I made a new one easier and cheaper the link here !

What We Need:

For this project i will use 8 botlle but you can adapt easily if you want less or more.

-Raspberry B : Any should work

-8 channel relay : each channel will be a botlle .(1channel = 1bottle)

-Wire the most important are female to male .

-8 Water pump each pump will be use for one botlle

-Pipe I got 10m.

-Touchscreen 2.8 in order to display the user interface

- SD card 8G : at least 8GB

-SD card reader i believe most of you already has it but in case.

-Container for the drink , I let you choose as it will depant of your idea . Mine car contain 1.5liter

Set Up the Raspberry Pi


In order to use the raspbery and the touchscreen , we will need a modified image of raspbian

FIrst 3 software :

-Adafruit modified image of raspbian

-Win32diskimager to burn the image on the SD card

-Putty to connect in remote to the raspbery

WIn32 disk imager:

After download install it.

Open it ,

1/ you will see "device" in general the default is good (if you only have the sd card connected)

2/ Click on the blue icon folder and select the raspbian jessie image you have downloaded

3/ Click write and it's done.

You can now insert the card to the raspberry.


It allow us to connect via SSH , open Putty (no need to install)

-Connect internet cable to the raspberry

-You need to find the ip of the raspberry 2 easy way :

-Connect to your box interface you will be able to see the device with the IP

-Connect the touchscreen and keyboard go to terminal then ifconfig

Now in Putty enter the ip adress will be something like then enter

-it will ask to trust click yes (picture)

-login : pi password : raspberry

Leave the windows on the side we will come back here later

Connecting the Screen

raspberry drink machine gpio used.png

The inconvenient of the screen is that it come already mount so when you plug it it will use all the pin of the rasp.

I have tested each pin to find out wich one use the screen (check picture)

To connect the screen it will be the same pin as raspberry

Once connected if you have install raspbian you will be able to use it .

Advice for the screen:

the taskbar take some place , if you right click on it then panel setting => advanced => untick reserved space for taskbar

Configure single click:

Single click: IF you click to use only click on the screen on puty : cd /home/pi/.config => nano libfm.conf

Line 5 single_click = 0 change to single_click = 1

Connecting the Relay/Raspberry

raspberry drink machine gpio used.png

The picture show for one water pump.

water pump + = RELAY

water pump - = Charger 12V

I used one charger 12V (cut the top) negative goes to the each pump (negative) and positive each channel of relay

One charger is enough as only one pump will work at the time

Repeat this for the 8 pump.

To learn more about raspberry and relay amazing topic here

Code for the GUI


We are done for the material part (kind of) .

Let's create the Graphic User interface:

You can now get back to putty once connected we gonna create our code on the desktop:

cd /home/pi/Desktop

open a file:


to make sure file is executable

<p>chmod +x</p>

and paste the code:

If you want to modify the code :

"GPIO mode out" mean you turn on the pin (so the relay turn on)

The Gpio = pin on the raspberry , but the physic pin are not the same of the system .

Check the picture .

So if you want to add or change a drink just modfiy the name in "menu boisson" and in the body of the code, you can see very easisly each drink has a small section of code.

while true; do
  choice="$(zenity --width=400 --height=300 --list --column "" --title="Cocktail" \
  "cocktail" \
  "soft" \
   "shooter" \
   "cow boy")"
  echo $choice
  case "${choice}" in
    "cocktail" )
      while true; do
        choice="$(zenity --width=400 --height=300 --list --column "" --title="test" \
        "whisky coca" \
        "wodka orange" \
		"ricard eau" \
		"tequila orange"\
		"Gin orange")"
		echo $choice
        case "${choice}" in
          "whisky coca" )
  gpio mode 2 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 2 input \
       gpio mode 0 out
       sleep 4
       gpio mode 0 input
          "wodka orange" )
             gpio mode 3 out
        sleep 2
        gpio mode 3 input \
     gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 4
       gpio mode 7 input
		  "ricard eau" )
             gpio mode 24 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 24 input \
        gpio mode 25 out
       sleep 3
       gpio mode 25 input
          "tequila orange" )
             gpio mode 22 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 22 input \
       gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 3
       gpio mode 7 input
		   "Gin orange" )
            gpio mode 23 out
        sleep 2
        gpio mode 23 input \
       gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 4
       gpio mode 7 input
			echo "bye"
	 "soft" )
		while true; do
        choice="$(zenity --width=400 --height=300 --list --column "" --title="test" \
        "orange" \
		"coca" \
		echo $choice
        case "${choice}" in
          "orange" )
             gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 7 input
          "coca" )
             gpio mode 0 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 0 input
		   "eau" )
             gpio mode 25 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 25 input
			echo "bye"
 "shooter" )
		while true; do
        choice="$(zenity --width=400 --height=300 --list --column "" --title="test" \
        "whisky" \
		"wodka" \
		"tequila" \
		"gin" \
		echo $choice
        case "${choice}" in
          "whisky" )
             gpio mode 2 out
       sleep 2
       gpio mode 2 input
          "wodka" )
             gpio mode 3 out
       sleep 2
       gpio mode 3 input
		  "tequila" )
             gpio mode 22 out
       sleep 2
       gpio mode 22 input
		  "gin" )
             gpio mode 23 out
       sleep 2
       gpio mode 23 input
		  "TGV" )
               gpio mode 22 out
        sleep 1
        gpio mode 22 input \
        gpio mode 23 out
       sleep 1
       gpio mode 23 input \
	   gpio mode 3 out
        sleep 1
        gpio mode 3 input 
			echo "bye"
	 ;;</p><p> "cow boy" )
		while true; do
        choice="$(zenity --width=400 --height=300 --list --column "" --title="test" \
        "ricard pierre" \
		"whisky coca" \
		"wodka orange" \
		"gin orange" \
		"tequila orange" \
		echo $choice
        case "${choice}" in
          "ricard pierre" )
             gpio mode 24 out
        sleep 4
        gpio mode 24 input \      
	  gpio mode 25 out
       sleep 5
       gpio mode 25 input
          "whisky coca" )
            gpio mode 2 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 2 input \
        gpio mode 0 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 0 input
		     "wodka orange" )
             gpio mode 3 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 3 input \
        gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 7 input
		     "gin orange" )
             gpio mode 23 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 23 input \
        gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 7 input
		      "tequila orange" )
             gpio mode 22 out
        sleep 3
        gpio mode 22 input \
      gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 6
       gpio mode 7 input
		        "cimetière" )
             gpio mode 2 out
        sleep 2
        gpio mode 2 input \
        gpio mode 3 out
       sleep 2
       gpio mode 3 input \
	    gpio mode 23 out
        sleep 2
        gpio mode 23 input \
       gpio mode 25 out
       sleep 2
       gpio mode 25 input \
	   gpio mode 7 out
       sleep 1
       gpio mode 7 input
			echo "bye"
	  echo "bye"

Final Mounting


I use a vertical furniture from IKEA was cheaper than to build myself.

I cut a square from the front door to put the glass

I made some hole in the shelve to pass a pipe , the pipe of the pump goes there.

At the bottom i put a wire rack from a ventilation computer whith a container for the leaking water


Everything is working properly but i have faced some unattended problem.

Few issue:

-The case is a bit tight ,when you fill up can be complicated. -

-The container for drinks are on the top and the glass at the bottom; it will create a siphon wich mean even when the pump stop the liquid keep coming.

In order to avoid this use a horizontal case or like me you will have to make a small hole in the pipe in the immerge part.

Also you can see i have cable going everyhere wich looks bad, so horizontale desk would be the best option .


Put some stickers on each container to know what drink the relay is conected to.

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