Code&Play Carcaza

Hi! Mi name is Michael, and this is how a made mi first 3d printable models (cause i've made normal models before) so... Here it is.
Step 1

First of all, i needed to decide in which platform make tha model, cause I usually use Blender, but...I needed a more easy and fast way to do the model.. So i choosed Tinkercad (a page I won't do spam of) so.. I satrted wit a normal cube and made the spaces for the buttons.
Step 2

Then I added depth to both faces of th model, made some changes here & there, and the first prototype was finished..
Step 3

Then I discovered that the case needed some holes for air ventilation (or else wen I used the console it would burn unto fire).
Step 4

I export the model into an stl and.. Ready To Go!!!