Coffee Shelf

If you love coffee as much as I do, build yourself a coffee shelf.

Supplies? Gather any wood you can find. I used old samples from wood flooring.
Cut to Desired Dimensions

Measure twice, cut once. See what wall space you have available and cut to desired length. Not difficult, just don't want to take up precious counter space.

I like Corel Draw software. It's a very old program that has made a comeback.
Laser Etch

Corel Draw works well with lasers and is user friendly. This is how you can get nice designs with showroom quality on your woodworking creations.

Don't forget the dowels to hang your favorite cup on. Drill slightly large than diameter of dowel and counter sink. No need to go all the way through. Fit with wood glue and press fit.

Once you have your pieces cut, loosely assemble them to see how your project will look.
Almost Finished

Assemble project with laser engraving. I used wood glue and finishing nails to fit pieces together. Very strong. Notice the curvature of the support brackets. I painted the edges black for a more finished look.
Cup Spacing

Cup spacing is important here. This of course depends on cup selection. I used a total of 7 dowels for the cups.

After trying several of my favorite cups, I decided on what would look best on the wall.

Before we can hang it, I drill out 2 key holes. These will enable drywall screws a snug fit. Plenty of strength for a few cups.
Mission Complete

Stand back and admire your work, briefly, then treat yourself to a well-deserved cup of coffee.