College Football Sign

This is an instructable on how to make a simple college football sign to hang up with all your other sports memorabilia. An easy to do and easy on the wallet project that can be completed in a day
1 piece of wood of any size (I used ceder)
Woodburning tool
4"side grinder & flapper wheel
A small palm sander
Carbon transfer paper
A photo printed off google of your favorite team
Painters tape
Tracing tool
8 oz wood stain
8 oz polycrylic
1 brass hanger
Woodburning tool
4"side grinder & flapper wheel
A small palm sander
Carbon transfer paper
A photo printed off google of your favorite team
Painters tape
Tracing tool
8 oz wood stain
8 oz polycrylic
1 brass hanger
College Football Sign

First you need a piece of wood. Any kind that you desire will work. For mine I used a small slab of cedar.

Tools that will help you with this project are. A woodburning tool, a side grinder, a sander and carbon transfer paper found in Ebay.

Sand your ruff wood piece to a very smooth surface it will help while drawing the picture that you pick and gives a nice finish look. Start with your grinder and a flapper wheel to get the bulk down. Then switch to your sander with a ruff grit paper then step down to a high grade grit to give it a finished look
Adding Your Picture.

Go online and search for the emblem of your favorite team and print off a copy. Take your carbon transfer paper and tape it to your wood piece with the darker side of the paper down. Then cut out the picture you printed off and tape it down over the transfer paper. Trace over your desired picture and as you do the design transfers onto your wood piece. (The picture I'm using to show how to tape the printed image is from another project but same concept)
Burning Your Picture In

Let your woodburning tool heat up nice and hot. Then go back over your tracings with the tool burning the picture in. You may want to practice on a spare piece to get the feel and desired look.

Use a high grade sand paper and by hand sand out any blemishes that are left. Next pick out a stain that would go well with the type of wood you picked to use. Apply your stain and let dry. Next use a crystal clear water based polycrylic to give it a shiny and protective cover. Let dry then attach a hanger on the back. Now hang in your home for custom sports memorabilia