Compost Tea

Have you ever asked how to make a great bio fertilizer at home?
Here I'll tell you how you can make it!
First i must tell you that dirt is made from tiny pieces of rock, water, and humus. Yes you'll need a homemade humus which is the decomposed remains of plants and other biodegradable waste.
If you want to make a homemade humus, you must have some place to put your biodegradable waste in some open box near your home. It's not hard to make it, you can find some tips online to make it. I have made from wooden fence and at the bottom is a big iron plate for separate normaly dirt and humus. If you don't have yet, you can build it and put some normally dirt at the bottom, then put some grass from mowing. You can put a waste fruit and vegetables, leaves, the egg shell, dried herb, paper handkerchiefs or towels, paper, tea bags,... Everything that's biodegradation (that you can put in biological waste don't put roots or seeds).
If you don't have yet, you must wait about two years that everything you put in is decompose. If you have compost, you can make right now a compost tea. You must know that everything you give for composting have a great conditions for the animal like a worms (they are very useful for loosening the soil), ants, bugs and othes. You must know that there is a very good conditions for useful bacteria (you must have a gloves). But don't be scared
Now How to Make a Tea Compost:

first of all you must have:
· a big PVC barrel for about 70 liters (less or more),
· air pump (complete)*,
· a strong wooden stick,
· rope (optional) and
· laundry wash bag.
* You can get air pump in pet store, which use in aquarium. You must have some tubes, air switches and bubble air stone.
And Here Is for a Recipe:

· 30 liters of water,
· about 5 kilograms compost,
· 4 tablespoons of homemade honey (I use a homemade syrup of dandelion flowers) compost and
· you can add a bio fertilizer (I use bio fertilizer from seaweed).
1.Prepare a 30 liters of water. If you use water from the tap, you must know this is chlorinated water. At first you must get rid of chlorine. You just put bubble air stone inside and let works about 4 hours.
2.During this time put a compost in a laundry wash bag and have it in the shadow.
3.Add honey and bio fertilizer (don't melt honey, the bacterias eat it).
4.Then attach the bag to the wooden stick and let some compost is not in the water because you'll kill a worms and other animals
5.Let work for maximum 3 days!
When is ready you see a foam. If you don't have a foam that's mean you don't have a good compost or you do something wrong. Don't use it if it stinks like heavy smell of sewage. This smell come from dead bacteria.
How to Use:

You can use for watering for spraying.
If you decide to sprayer with a hand sprayer you should be careful that you don't make to much pressure in sprayer. If you do that, you kill all bacteria!
You can use compost to fertilize your plants. Just put it around the plant or a tree. Yes, you can fertilize a trees.
Use fertilizer every 7 - 10 days or after heavy raining. But I fertilize every 14 and a notice a difference!

When you use a bubble air stones, make sure that you bubbled most of all water in the barrel. Use a big air stone or small ones and link it together with air switches, don't forget to make sure that air pump is strong enough.
Effect of Compost Tea

If you look the picture, you see the differences
If you look lavender with Compost tea, you notice a color (is more purple)
In next picture is a Safflower. That in a pot was regularly watered with Compost tea and it was sown later.
Now you have a reason to make a Compost tea!