Connect USB 5V Fan in to USB in Raspberry Pi

by yvzkaan in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Connect USB 5V Fan in to USB in Raspberry Pi


I have switched a normal 5V Fan you connect to raspberry pi to a usb one because it gets two pins, 5V and GND. These were important for me so i switched it to USB


  • A soldering iron
  • Flux (optional)
  • Soldering wire
  • 5V fan for raspberry pi
  • A heat shrink tube (optional but suggested)

Also 3D printer and some PLA if you want to ad customization to the usb port like i did. I will provide the STL and you can weld it togheter using soldering iron (Swipe some pla to the port and heat it up to cover the line between if there is a space left)

Prepare Usb Cable

Get a old usb cable and cut other port which is not the USB 2.0 (or 1.0) A port or cut more if you want to make the cable shorter

Remove 4 wires inside of the main cable there will probably be Red White Green Black wires or Red Yellow Green Blue wires. The common one is the first one, if its the first colors we will use Red and Black, you may cut the other wires because we will not use them. If it is the second one we will use Red and Blue.

Both of the Red wires are 5V, Blue and Black are GND. Cut the other mini wires and remove the plastic surrounding (this will take some time because the main wires are thin and the cable is small) After you have done the 5V cable do not take GND out yet because it will probably get mixed.

Prepare the 5V Fan

Cut the female connection port from the near or from back to make it shorter. Seperate the two black and red wires from togheter (it will probably be connected). 5V is Red and GND is Black. Start with 5V and start removing the plastic cover from the cable (this is the hardest and will consume time as the cable is stronger then the usb cable). The wires are small and your fingertips will have some bad time

Solder 5V Wires

Get the fan and usb close and get the both 5V wires. Swirl it into a braid. Apply some flux if you prefer (be careful because if you heat the flux a little too much it will burn and become black) solder it with soldering wire. Touch the wires aswell for a better connection and apply slowly some wire 240-250 degrees celcius would be enough. After you soldered it enough let it cool.

Repeat the Steps for GND

Repeat the steps but this time for GND. Do not forget that if you put the soldering iron near the soldered 5V wire, it will melt and it will make a mess. After completing the GND put a heat shrink tube ( one that fits through usb a port ) for security even 5V is too little to effect our health

OPTIONAL / Create Your Own Usb Header Cover

Download the stl and print it out in 0.2 quality and %100 infill (will not effect grams but time) after printing out connect it to the usb port and weld it with soldering iron and some pla if there is some empty place is left. You can use 210-220 for temperature. Dont worry if pla is stuck to the tip you can remove it with nozzle cleaning needle



If you have done everything correct, you should be able to have some life when getting 5V. You may see some slow down but it have to do with soldering the wires but its just %5-%6 loss.

If you have no life check if you soldered the correct wires or start from beginning with a new pair of 5V fan and usb 2.0 A cable as its normally cheap