Container House

Make a minimalist house with only a shipping container and minimal supplies. Meant for a nature loving person, this house takes influences from the outdoors in its design and function.
- Shipping Container
- 2 Benches
- Couch
- Bed
- Fireplace
- Fridge
- Cabinet
-Out House
-Storage Boxes
Add Roof Spars

Add the three roof spars and then the roof on top.
Add Second Story

Add a second story to half of the container. Put a bed and night stand on top and use the bottom for storage.
Finish Interior

Add a refrigerator, desk, computer. The seat for the computer doubles as a stool to get to the bed on the second story.
Heating and Cooling

Add a HVAC system on the inside of the container and a fire pit on the outside. The firepit can be used for both heating and cooking.

Furnish the Outside with a couch, bench, and cabinet.

Finally add a disconnected outhouse connected to a sewage line.