Control Fleas Naturally With Common Household Items

by BLASTFEMI in Living > Pest Control

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Control Fleas Naturally With Common Household Items


Flea season is upon us. If you have ever had an infestation, you know you have to combat fleas from many angles to control and eliminate these hopping, opportunistic parasitic pests. One of the most powerful agents in reducing flea populations is one of the most safest: Read on to find comprehensive ways to control these pests from making you and your pet's lives miserable with crawling, biting, itching and scratching!

By Popular demand!

Flea terminator biscuit

3 cubes beef bouillon

1 1/2 cups boiling water

2 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup cornmeal

2/3 cup brewers' yeast

2 tablespoons garlic powder

2 egg yolks


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

Dissolve beef bouillon cubes in boiling water, and set aside.

Grease cookie sheets.

In a large bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, corn meal, brewers yeast, and garlic powder.

Add the yolks, then gradually pour in the bouillon water while stirring.

Mix thoroughly to form a firm dough.

On a floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 inch thickness.

Cut into desired shapes using cookie cutters.

Place cookies one inch apart onto cookie sheets.

Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, then turn the oven off, and leave the cookies inside for at least 3 hours or overnight to harden.

Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

Contrary to what some believe, garlic is safe for dogs. Please use your own sensibilities when it comes to what you give or don't give to your pets.

Read more from a Veterinarian here-

Dr. Cairns Natural healing info on garlic for dogs

Safe Ingredient You Have on Hand!


Salt. Yes. Regular, everyday, plain old, put it on your fried eggs, salt. Can it be used effectively against large infestations of fleas? Yes. Salting and vacuuming your floors and furniture kill the flea's eggs by dehydrating them. If you take this route-you will be pleased with results. You'll have to be diligent and persistent with treatment to be really effective. But with patience it can be done.
I have also read about using borax. But the down side to borax is it can hold moisture. So using on your carpets can be a risk if you don't get all of the powdered vacuumed up, it can lead to problems later. Use rock salt in a knotted piece of pantyhose under furniture, or sprinkle sea salt, Kosher salt, or table salt.

Cleanliness Is Next to Flealessness


Flea eggs hatch every 3 days, so by sprinkling your floors for at least 9 days, vacuuming each 3rd day for 9 days, takes you through the complete life cycle of flea life. Be sure and empty your vacuum after each cleaning or the pests will just crawl back out and re-infest your home! You can also salt porches, doghouses and kennels to kill eggs & maintain flea control. Borax works as an alternative to salt but has a few cautions. In high humidity areas you may need to use a dehumidifier with the salt treatment for its use to be effective.

Ending the Breeding Cycle


Once the cycle of breeding, laying & hatching is contained within the treatment, the fleas will be greatly reduced in population size. In fact, most of the fleas left may be found on you or your pet at this point and can be manually removed. Comb through you pet's coat with a flea comb. The special comb is very fine toothed and catches the fleas in between the tines. Keep a glass of soapy water nearby to clean the caught fleas off into. If you take your pet to a professional to have them groomed, a bath can be an effective way to remove body fleas from your pet.

Pesticides? No Thanks!


Dips and sprays have risks with toxic chemicals. They may work, but at what expense to personal health of you and your pet? Flea collars and topical poisons harm pets, people and the environment. Stronger formulas make fleas more resistant. Salt is safe, easy, readily available and effective. Chemical products are dangerous and they don't stay on just your pet, they also pollute you and your environment. Pesticides don't know when to stop poisoning. There is no quick cure. You have to be diligent and persistent to combat an infestation of fleas. I can't stand fleas as much as the next person. But I dislike toxic chemical pollutants even more. It is worth it to me to go the extra mile and keep me and my pets and family safe.

Repellent Ideas to Combat From More Angles


My mom use to put eucalyptus branches under my crib when I was a baby to keep the fleas off of me. Strong odors like eucalyptus, lavender, clove, citrus, peppermint and citronella work as effective repellents. Cedar beds for dogs are so popular because of their ability to repel fleas. The scent won't kill fleas but it does effectively repel them. Vacuum up a little bit of cedar chips, dried lavender or small pieces of lemon peels to deodorize the air while you vacuum. You can also mix a few drops of lavender essential oil on the salt before you sprinkle it on the carpets and floors. Be sure & test anything you use in an inconspicuous location to check for discoloration if using essential oils.

Angle Arsenal-Hit Them From All Sides!


Give your pet brewer's yeast biscuits to make their skin scent repel fleas. B-vitamins in brewer's yeast make the skin unpleasant to habitat on for fleas. They each also have immune building properties that nourish your pet. Never give raw garlic to an animal. It can be fatal.

To catch fleas even as you sleep, put a dish of water with a few drops of soap in it under a light at night on the floor and the pests will be attracted, hop in and not be able to get out. Flush the insect-peppered water in the toilet to dispose.

To make a natural flea collar-use a bandanna or similar sized piece of cloth make a knot in the cloth at a point where the article still can slip over the animal's head. At the knot, dab on a blend or simple of essential oil of orange, citronella, eucalyptus, lemon, cedar, peppermint, rosemary or lavender. You can also add a few drops to a spray bottle of water to spray your pet's bed.

Fleas also cannot survive hot temperatures over 90 degrees. Closing up the whole house on a hot summer day can kill all the fleas you have inside your home.

Using salt is very effective. You can use kosher, rock, powered, table, sea salt. You can tie rock salt in pantyhose and put it around areas affected or sprinkle straight onto floors. Give it a try! It's easy! Use it right out of the shaker onto any surface. It works.


Kill source of fleas by salting carpets and furniture.

Vacuum regularly to remove fleas and flea eggs from household.

Keep pet bedding laundered.

Use flea comb to comb out pets.

Use repellents such as essential oil collars and sprays on pets & bedding.

Be diligent & persistent in your approach for complete success.

It's so easy and you can start right now! Get shaking!

Flea Terminator Dog Treats Recipe



3 cubes beef bouillon
1 1/2 cups boiling water
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup cornmeal
2/3 cup brewers' yeast
2 tablespoons garlic powder
2 egg yolks


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Dissolve beef bouillon cubes in boiling water, and set aside. Grease cookie sheets.
In a large bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, corn meal, brewers yeast, and garlic powder. Add the yolks, then gradually pour in the bouillon water while stirring. Mix thoroughly to form a firm dough. On a floured surface, roll the dough out to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into desired shapes using cookie cutters. Place cookies one inch apart onto cookie sheets.
Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, then turn the oven off, and leave the cookies inside for at least 3 hours or overnight to harden. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. Thanks to for the flea terminator dog treats recipe!

And many more thanks to all of you who have taken the time to tell me how this easy & safe treatment worked for you! It's very gratifying to me to know this information has made a difference.