Control Speed of Hobby Servo With Potentiometer.
by ChristopherH158 in Circuits > Arduino
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Control Speed of Hobby Servo With Potentiometer.

I needed a way to control the speed at which a servo would swing without changing code. Googling "controlling a servo" will bring up a dozen examples of how to control position but did not find one that provided code to include a potentiometer. I have played with Arduino for projects for years and could always find code that someone else had done. This was the first time I have used what I had learned by looking at other peoples code to implement something I needed. Don't expect a huge example of clever programing this technique has been used hundreds of time for a hundred different things involving a "pot". Doing this was way quicker to write then the time I spent looking for an example by someone else. I just hope some Googles "controlling speed of a servo" and this pops up.
This uses a Arduino Nano to control a 20 kg hobby Servo. A servo this size it to big to use the Nano's 5v output to control so I used a 1000mah 2s Lipo which puts out 7.4 volts.
I used items from Amazon
1ea. Nano board
1ea 4" bread board
1ea 10k potentiometer
1ea 20kg hobby Servo
1 ea 1000mah 2s Lipo battery and charger
Hook up wire as needed 20 gage

The Arduino is annotated so you should be able to figure out what is going on. and the diagram should be self explanatory.