Cookie Snowman

December has come, but where I live there is still no snow so I built a snowman as an edible decoration. This one you can eat is great for table decoration and it won't melt! I'll take you through the steps to make one!

- pot and spoon
- butter 200 grams / 7,1 oz
- big chocolate - 4 lines or 16 dices or small chocolate put all of it
- dry biscuits 200 grams / 7,1 oz
- sugar 200 grams / 7,1 oz
- 1,5 DCL water or 4,5 unca
- dry coconut
- white chocolate
- little bit of coconut oil
- jelly candies

- Grind or beat in a bag dry biscuits to make crumbs
- Put the pot on the stove and add water and heat it until you see bubbles in water then ad sugar
- When sugar dissolves ad chocolate and butter
- When it melts tur of your stove and ad dry biscuits
- Mix everything and wait around 20 min to half-hour to get a bit cold it is easier to make balls
Making Balls

- When the mixture has cooled a little bit with a spoon grab a small ball that is a snowman's head, then for a body, and then for a lower part a larger ball than the first two
- Let them cold
White Chocolate Glaze

- Put the chocolate in a bowl and add a little bit of butter and half a little spoon of coconut oil and put it in a Microwave. You can do that on the stove as well.
- After that dip your balls in white chocolate and sprinkle them a little bit with dry coconut so it looks like snow. Place it in the fridge or somewhere that is cold
- After they are cooled down, join the balls together with a bit of melted white chocolate to get the snowman's body
Hat and Body Parts

- Hat is made from the original mixture. First, you make a small cylinder and a ball.
- Squish the ball to make a disc of the hat and join in with melted chocolate to form a hat.
- For eyes and buttons make tiny balls and fit them to the body
- For nose and other decorations use jelly candy cut into the right shape.