Counting Cube

For this craft, you will make a counting cube, you can practice your counting with it or decorate it with anything else you want! Before starting, make sure to plug your hot glue gun in so that when you’re ready, it is heated up. Be careful when using it, it is very hot.

The tools you will need to create the cube is a cube template, scissors, glue, card stock paper (or thick paper), a marker or pen, and hot glue sticks plush the hot glue gun.

Step one: With the marker or pen of your choice, draw dots or designs in all the squares of your cube, this way you do not have to draw the circles after it is assembled.

Step two: Take your glue stick and glue your cube template to the card stock paper or thick paper. Make sure you glue it so that they are aligned.
once they are glued securely, cut around the the squares. DO NOT cut the flaps around the squares, they are what holds the cube together, without them, your cube will be very hard to assemble.

Step three: fold all the sides and flaps on the cube. Can you start to see it come together?
After this, you will need to use the hot glue gun, hot glue will help it stick together much better than stick glue or wet glue. Once again, be very careful with it.

You’re done! Now you can have fun with your cube, and if you do want to use your cube for counting, another idea it to glue photos of your family on them You can display it on your desk and see all your family members on it.