Crab Out of Bottle Caps Intro/ Supplies
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Crab Out of Bottle Caps Intro/ Supplies

instead of throwing out bottle caps you can use them for art so that's exactly what we did, we took some bottle caps and some bent ones to and made a crab, now you can too.
bottle caps
any type of wood board or area you want to put your crab on
string to hold up product when finished
super glue or hot glue
more bottle caps

For the base of your crab picture made out of bottle caps you could use anything you like, but I used a piece of cheap ply wood for this project but you could use anything that is flat laying around your house.
since my piece of ply wood was a little big for my liking I taped off the sides to size it down.
Body of Crab

the first step should be to make the body it's a hexagon type body, almost like a stop sign. I went three along the top flat then three going down going out than coming back in.
Body 2

now that you have the body down start by putting bottle caps onto gaps of first layer, therefore starting the 2nd layer.

for the arms start by picking the center point on the side of the body and go out however long you want( see picture for how long I went out) now that you have the basic body down you want to take your plyers and bend the bottle caps in half like shown in the picture , then same thing you did in BODY 2 and layer the bottle caps onto the gaps of the first ones

Like you did for the claws you want to do the same for the legs and bend the bottle caps in half and add them to your crab.
Hanging Board Up
If you want this decor in your house or shed or workshop you can drill a hole into the top of your board and run a string through.