Crayon Flags

Do you have old crayons and tooth picks hanging around? There you are, here's a quick craft which you can make in a flash and does also require minimal supplies, because I do often focus on doing crafts that require less time, less prerequisites and easy to do.

Things you will need:
The main purpose of this craft is to make use of old stationery, so old things lying around in your draw or cabinet is enough for it.
1.Old crayons
2.Tooth Picks
3.Self-Adhesive Paper tape
Shredding the Crayons

Shred the crayons using a vegetable shredder, or you can use the crayon sharpener, but I had an old shredder lying around and it was quite faster than using a sharpener, at least to me.
You can shred various colors, and mix and match up them, experimenting is exciting!
But be careful while shredding, as not hurt yourself.
Creating the Flag

Take a little self adhesive paper tape, and roll a little portion of it on the tooth picks, there you go, now you have done creating the flag.
The Colors.........

Now just press the flag on the crayon shredding, and mix and match the colors of your choice!
Cherry on Cake

You can use the remaining crayons as the base for the flags, as well as you can try paper balls too.......